This is by and large a very important thing to discuss . Many of us work a lot to gain that amount of money that would help us to lead a life. But do we actually give importance to the money earned by us at every month end??
I would tell you something about me. At a point of time I didn't understand the importance of “ money". I was working in an office and was earning good. But I knew nothing about the importance of money which many of my other colloquies knew already. At every month end the money that I used to earn would be mostly spend on my favorite things like my cosmetics, bags, dresses, travel cost , tiffin etc. and I could save only a very little amount of money for myself. I worked for 6 days in a week for 8 hours or mostly 9 hours a day. Then I had to spent 4 hours on my journey to and from my office. After working so hard I could not understand what I was doing?? The job was fine but monotonous after the break time. Anyways the office staffs were very very nice ones. They were very cooperative people. Everything was going on fine but at the end of the month I could save very little money with me. That was something that was causing me all the pain. I gave to thinking that I was not doing a good job , where I am paid so less and so on..!! Eventually I left the job out of my frustrations.
But today I realize that when I was working in that office there were colloquies who used sell me their products and I used to buy them blindly. They used to knock me after each months salary, and sell me those lipsticks and eyeliners and other products. I used to get so much attracted towards those beauty products that I used to buy them almost instantly . I sometimes bought things that I never required. This caused me to waste a lot of money. But that realization came to me much later when actually I was facing the hardships of life.
Today things are different and my mindset has changed completely. Today I understand the importance the ‘ money'. So I share this blog so that others can understand the importance of money.
The very first point is ..
WASTE NOT WANT NOT- Utilize the money very wisely and as least as you can . Because if go to buy every thing that your heart wants then you will be left with nothing.
The second point is..
No matter how much you save. Even if you start with 10 rupees, even that's a saving. It might sound very funny, but trust me. This little little savings can make you reach milestones.
Suppose you have spent some 50 rupees to buy yourself a street food and some 200 hundred rupees to buy yourself a t-shirt from a general store where you get things at a cheaper price. Then after purchasing those things give yourself the credit and feel good about it that you have bought something from your own money. Give importance to the money you have earned and do not compare yourself with others.
This is one of the ways of increasing your earnings. This can really help you to achieve and save more money for future. Today in this world we have lots of expenses so our earning has to increase if we want to save more. So this could be an effective option.
Lastly , give importance to money and money will give you importance in due time.😊😊😊😊