Many of you who are reading this may have a housewife mother. so you know what does being a housewife means. we must have seen our mothers working day and night without any selfishness and yet they are paid nothing. i mean in how many jobs do you get an honest employee who works 24/7 for you and yet never waits for your appreciation.
My mother is a housewife too. i have seen her caring for me like i am someone so special to her that she could do anything for me without even thinking about herself. From waking early morning before all of us to going to sleep after all of us she does every work as if she was made to do this only. she get us ready for school making lunch for us, doing all the household chores, waiting for her family to come home from their work or schools and then again get busy to listening to how their day went. none of us ever asks her how her day went. was it good or bad? or did anything new happen to her today because we just think what possibly could have happened she was at home alone. she always asks us what we want to eat at dinner. I just cant believe it after all the exhausting work that she does she still cares to make us happy by making our favorite food. then she comes and see if we are sleeping nicely. these small things matter a lot. when we were kids we never understood these sacrifices but now that we are adults we know and understand what they have done for us. so its our duty now to make her happy. To know what she likes or hate. what makes her happy?
girls in our generation are highly focused on getting a job and make their career. some of them know what being a housewife means and so they want to. whereas some mothers force their child to be a working woman cause she knows what being a housewife means.
At the end i wanna say that a housewife deserves as much respect as we give our working dad or a working mother. we should keep this in mind that she has done a lot for us and we never respected her sacrifices. her work needs appreciation and huge amount of respect.