Dpression is aa mental disorder that mainly affectes the brain and is one of the most pressing problems faced by modern man. Depression is said in English
Dpression becomes an illness when it affacted eating habite, sleep personality and sex life to a large extent. Finacial when you lose love, when you get sick, many situation like bereavement illnes, job loss, finacial problems, death of loved once, natural disasters, traumatic experiences in childhood, sexual exploition of children, rape victims,
Affected badly. In middle -aged women, excessive sadness, sudden anger, feeling old and lack of sex drive have been associated with dipression during menopause.. and lack of regular exercise increases the risk of developing dipression and in the regulation of serotonine and norepinephrin neourotransmitters lack of exercise has bern found to be the root cause of depression. This basic defected it is not clear how.
Distrubance in are varousr on physical and mentel levels Depresion is a combination of thes ddisorders.
*Lack of interest in anything, loeliness
*Unreasonable sadness, lack of for anything
*Hateb, sudden anger
*Unreasonable anxiety, insomnia
*Loss of appetite, sometimes more
*Eeat more or less food,
*sleep more or less
*Low or excessive sex drive
It is found in nerve cells in our brain serotine and non-epinephrin are produced. Nerve pathway that cimmunicate with these chemicals regulate body process and behaviors in depression. Thes chemicals play a critical role in regulating a varietybofvfunctions such as sleep, memory, learning, mood, &sexual intrest.
*childhood &adolescence full of tortures
*Quarrels &quarrels with friends &family membere.
*Bereavement of close relatives or family mmembers.
How to control
Medicine and phychology Approaches and lifestyles Arrangrments are also included Treatment of depressions. Healp regulate levels of brain chemicals such us serotonin and norepinephrin. SSR, S. N. Rl, monoamine oxidase inhibitor and tricyclic antidepressants Medication are usually used to treat the emotional state of those with bipolar depression