Published Apr 26, 2021
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Top 8 Historical World Revolution. | Do You Know About These Historical Revolutions In The World?

Published Apr 26, 2021
6 mins read
1140 words


The Renaissance began in Europe in the middle of the fourteenth century. The Renaissance began in Florence, Italy, so Italy is called the Center of the Renaissance.

The fall of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, was the main cause of the Renaissance.

Superstitions and practices came to an end in the Renaissance. And people grew up with scientific thinking and an advanced economic system.    

The Renaissance resulted in progress in the fields of literature, science, arts, etc.  

1.Glorious Revolution Of England 

Revolution of England


The Stuart dynasty began to rule in England from 1603. The rulers of this dynasty believed in divine rights.

After the Seven Year Civil War from 1642 to 1649, Charles First was sentenced to death, and Charles Second was entrusted with the throne.

The public disliked Charles second. James became ruler after Charles second's death. James's atrocities led to a bloodless revolution in 1688 AD.

The people were successful in fulfilling their objectives without any bloodshed, then this bloodless revolution was called a proud revolution.

After the glorious revolution, the supremacy of Parliament was established in England.

2.Industrial Revolution  

Industrial Revolution  

The Great Changes, which took place using the power of machines and steam in the fields of the product and the changes that resulted in the fundamental changes in the way of life and thoughts of the people.

 It is called the industrial revolution in history. The Industrial Revolution began in ENGLAND. 

Because of more Colonies, he had an excess of raw materials and capital.

The use of machines in countries such as France, Germany, Belgium, its, started the industrial revolution after 1815 AD. In the countries of Asia, modern industries developed first in Japan.

3.America's Freedom Struggle 

American Revolution

Christopher Columbus discovered America at the end of the fifteenth century.

The Foundation of The British Colonial Empire was laid in America during the reign of James I, the ruler of England.

During the American independence struggle, the slogan of the Americans was - "No representation, no tax."

The immediate cause of America's freedom struggle was the "Boston Tea Party."

A ship laden with tea from the East India Company reached Boston in 1773 AD On 16 December 1773, the people of Boston threw tea boxes from the ship into the sea.

This event has been, dubbed The 'Boston Tea Party.

America got full independence on 4 July 1776. Its main protagonist was George Washington, who became the first President after Independence.

Because of establishing the first democracy in the world. America is called the mother of the modern republic.

America was the first in The World to declare equality and Fundamental Rights of people.

The written constitution in America came into force in 1789 AD. this was the first written constitution of the world.

The written constitution in America came into force in 1789 AD. this was the first written constitution of the world.

4.French State Revolution 

French Revolution

The French state revolution took place in 1789 AD during the reign of Louis XVI.

On 16 July 1789 AD, the revolutionaries broke the doors of the prison of Bastille and freed the prisoners. Since then, 14 July has been, celebrated as National Day in France.

The creator of modern France is called Napoleon. Napoleon was born in 1769 AD in Ajaccio, the capital of Corsico.In 1804 Napoleon declared himself Emperor of France.

Napoleon got the collection of laws, which is called the Napoleon Code.

European countries united in 1813 AD. After defeating Napoleon on the grounds of Leipzig, he was held captive in Alba, from which he escaped.

The Battle of Waterloo in 1815 was the last war of Napoleon's life, which he lost, and was, placed in St. Helena. 1821 AD He died in

The invasion of Russia was the reason for the fall of Napoleon.

5.Unification Of Germany


The credit for integration is given to Bismarck, who was the Prime Minister of the ruler of Prussia, William I.

Napoleon is responsible for creating a sense of nationalism in Germany.

1815 to 1850 AD. Germany was, ruled by Austria.

The war of sedans between France and Prussia in 1870 AD. After which it was possible to unify Germany.

6.Integration Of Italy


In the early 19th Century Italy was divided into many smaller states, the most powerful of which was Sardinia.

Joseph Mazzini is considered the father of the unification of Italy. He founded an organization called Young Italy.

Giuseppe Mazzini statement - "If you want to bring revolution in the society, then give the leadership of the revolution to the young men."

The Biggest barrier to integration was Austria.

Apart from Mazzini, Count Cavour and Garibaldi are also credit for the unification of Italy.

 Count Kavur had made Italy's problem an international problem by participating in the Battle of the Cremains in 1854.

 Garibaldi formed a troop named "Lal Kurti". Garibaldi is called the sword of unification of Italy.

Count Cavour unified Italy in 1861. In the same year, Rome was, declared the capital of United Italy.

Napoleon Cacao is said to be the father of the unity of Italy. 

7.Russian Revolution 

Russian Revolution 


The Russian Revolution took place in 1917. It was led by Lenin.

The ruler of Russia was called Czar, Nicholas, of the Romanov dynasty, was the Czar of late Russia.

Russia's defeat in the First World War was the reason for this Revolutions.

The first eruption of Revolution took place in Russia on 8 March 1914. The rebels started going on the streets by raising the slogan of roti.

The Tsar's army confessed to firing on the rebels. Due to this, on 15 March 1917, Czar Nicholas abdicated the throne.

The Bolsheviks seized all government buildings on 7 November 1917 to overturn power. Hence it is called Bolshevik Revolution.

Bolshevik means the majority party. Its leader was Lenin.

In 1921, Lenin introduced Russia's new economic policy.

Modern Russian manufacturer Stalin is considered.

8.Chinese Revolution

Chinese Revolution

The fall of the Manchu dynasty was the result of the Chinese Revolution in 1911 AD. Its hero was Sun-Yat Sen.

To end the rule of the Manchu dynasty, in 1905, San-yat Sen founded the 'Tung-Meng-Hui' party.

After this Revolutions of 1911, in 1912, the feudal and reactionary elements made a person Named Yuan-shi-kai the President of China.

The Republic of China was, established in 1949 AD under the leadership of Mao Tse - Tung. After that

Mao Tse - Tung became the President.


The eight major revolutions of the world further enhanced the world, after these revolutions, every kind of renovation and development started in the world. People started. Getting new employment opportunities. 

New Enterprises were created. The development of the world is the result of these revolutions.



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