Yes, this is possible, you can literally mine cryptocurrency from you phone. This method is called cloudmining, joining with some of the the websites will let you mine the cryptocurrency of your choice, and you can some of the passive income from those sites.
Some of the websites are totally free, some are partially free and some are paid, where you have to pay some money to withdrawl your mined cryptocurrencies. And in almost ebmvery website you have to give some of the money to increase your mining speed or else you can mine the bitcoins with the given speed, you can only increase the speed by paying them. And when it satiesfies the threshold of the withdrawl balance, you can do so, by in your cryptocurrency wallet, like in coinswitch kuber or wherever you hacmve your wallet.
It takes a lots of time to mine and reach the threshold point, and constant work will make it easy, i'm working in a website from couple of days and earned some of the dogecoins, but it will take some time to reach the minimum balance that is requires to withdrawl. I'm sharing my screenshot below from that website.
As you can see here that my dogecoin balance is only 0.38 and its far far away from the minimum balance i.e. 10 dogecoin, i think this will take 2 to 3 weeks to reach that points. Coming to the trust, i have many reviews of this website and this is giving the payment till now when i'm writing this.
I'll give the regestration link at the end of this article so that you can easily regester in this websirmte without any issues.
Registering in this website is as simple as regestering in other websites, just you have to enter your gmail, and a password, complete the recaptcha and you are done. You can start earning juat after the regestration.
Not only dogecoin, but you can also mine other coins also such as bitcoin, etherium, and even others that are available in market, and also you can mine inr but i dont think anyone have the wallet address of inr so its better to mine a cryptocurrency.
Here's my link
Just click here to get directly to the registration page
Thank you for reading this, stay blessed, and write your thoughts in the comment section below.