You enter a room with a match, a kerosene light, a candle and a fireplace. Which is your favourite light fint?
ANS:The match
You drew a line. Without touching it, how do you extend the queue?
ANS:You create a shorter line next to the longer line, and it grows longer.
A man was outside having a walk when it began to rain. The man had no umbrella and was not wearing a hat. His garments got soaked, yet not a single hair on his head was wet. How does this happen?
ANS:The dude was bald. (There is no hair on his head).
Riddle No. 4
I own a big money box that measures 42 centimetres tall and 48 centimetres square. How many coins, roughly speaking, can I fit in my empty money box?
ANS: Just one; it won't be empty after that.
Riddl No. 5
Which two keys are inoperable?
ANS:Two monkeys, one donkey.
Let I say some funny jokes!
What clothing styles are popular in England?
Tee shirts😂
Now I am goimg to say a serious joke…
What Type of tea is difficult to swallow?
Now I am going to say a comedy story…
An elderly man visits a physician. He gripes that his spouse is deaf. "You must put your wife to the test. Ask her a question while standing far behind her. Next, take a step towards her. When she hears you, you'll see how near you can get." The elderly man is pleased that he can support his spouse. He dashes inside. He notices his spouse preparing dinner. "Honey!" exclaims the man, who is 20 feet away. He says, "What are we having for dinner?" The spouse does not respond. The dude gives it another go. He's fifteen feet away, and yet no response. He asks again while positioned ten feet away. Not a response. At last, he is five feet away. “Honey, what are we having for dinner?” She replied that I am already 4times said it as pastha
Again a story
Through the jungle went a guy. He chose to relax beneath the large tree's shade since he was really exhausted. Something was rustling in the woods, he realised. Beneath the bushes, he noticed a bottle of crystal. It was the bottle making the noise. Eager to see what was within, he cracked up the bottle. Quickly, a large crimson ghost emerged from the bottle, spewing copious amounts of black smoke. "Please give me some work, or I'll eat you," he cried out. The man was terrified. "W. What kind of work should I give you?" he enquired of the apparition. "Work of any type. The spirit said, "You have to give me work now that you let me out of the bottle." The individual informed him