Published Nov 4, 2022
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2092 words
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Top 10 Things You Must Do To Live A Meaningful Life.

Published Nov 4, 2022
10 mins read
2092 words

Life is the most precious gift that we all have. It can be unpredictable, and rough but eventually teaches us a lot, at least more than what schools teach us. As humans we are more advanced than other beings on earth and we are the only specie that has the power to create their lives the way they want but as you must have heard with power, comes responsibility and we humans tend to ignore this fact, we love enjoying the power but forget our responsibilities very easily. These are the responsibilities that we have towards society, the planet we live and most importantly ourselves. Life is incomplete if we don’t realize our purpose and it is wasted if we fail to create an impact on society. We can live a life full of meaning only if we are willing to change ourselves and our habits for good. A meaningful life is one where you can engage yourself in useful activities, develop good habits and make the best use of your time. The more we utilize our time in doing something useful and productive, the more we realize our inner potential and we become aware of our strengths and weaknesses. There are some common habits that if you follow on regular basis can help you become wiser and will help you get the most out of your life.

Let’s have a look at them one by one

10. Practice anger management

Anger is our worst enemy it is what makes us egoistic and makes us take irrational decisions. Anger is dangerous because a person can go to any limits when he is angry only to regret it later. It can make your life very complicated and can ruin your relationships and career. Getting angry is not a problem but not knowing how to control your anger is a huge problem that can lead to failure in the future. Anger can also lead to health problems like high blood pressure, depression, or stress. Anger can transform you into a pessimistic person whose company is avoided by everyone. Therefore, anger management becomes a really important skill to master. Anger management revolves around the quality of being calm while being angry. You must remember that you can’t change people and their behavior. If you think you don’t enjoy the company of a specific person just try to avoid them if someone criticizes or hurts you, don’t try to answer them just smile and leave the spot, it will make them feel embarrassed and they will never behave the same way again. Controlling anger can be difficult if you are a short-tempered person, but you will have to do it to become a better person. Anger management is a useful skill because it not only helps to manage anger but also increases the tolerance level and helps the mind become more stable. To help you develop this skill here are a few exercises:

  1. Deep breathing: A single moment of anger can ruin everything so instead of saying something just take 2-3 deep breaths and you will calm down.
  2. Be quiet: Remember silence is gold, don’t say anything, and don’t try to argue, you don’t have to win an argument at the cost of your mental health.
  3. Exercise daily: It is generally seen that people who exercise daily tend to stay calm more than people who don’t.

9. Reading

If you watch the interview of any successful person then you will notice a common habit they share which is reading. All famous people like Elon musk and Warren buffet revealed that they are avid readers since childhood and reading continues to be a part of their daily schedule even today. Reading strengthens our brain and helps us to build a sharp memory. It also improves concentration and boosts the analytical ability of a person. Reading can help you gain knowledge about the world while sitting at home. Books are a source of knowledge and motivation. You can choose to read self-help books, inspirational books, finance, science, novels, or any other genre. Books are food for your brain and you are what you eat so try to have a good diet and avoid reading books based on any kind of negativity as they will lead you in the wrong direction.

8. Practice something new

Learning new things helps to develop confidence and keeps us mentally fit. Many people stop learning new things after they graduate which is not something to be appreciated as a person who stops learning stops growing and someone who stops growing turns ignorant. This is the reason why you see most people turn negative as they age because stagnation in growth leads to stagnation in life and that makes them feel frustrated for the rest of their lives. Learning makes you appear more relevant and updated. It helps you to keep up with the latest trends in politics, technology, fashion, etc. Try to learn something from the experience of other people too, it will help you to tackle problems in your life. Here, are a few tips that will help you to learn something new every day:

  1. Reading: Practice reading every day, you can read anything like books or newspapers. The best time to read is early in the morning just after you wake up.
  2. Podcasts: There are several podcasts on YouTube, Spotify, and many other platforms. Podcasts can be a reliable source of information and the best way to boost your knowledge.
  3. Debate: Try to join a debate club where you can express your opinion as well as learn about the opinions of other people too. Debates are a powerful way to learn about the different opinions and perspectives of people around you. It will help you to learn about human behavior too.

7. Connect with nature

A person who is connected to nature becomes peaceful and develops a high level of understanding.  Such a person is filled with love and compassion and starts seeing everyone with equal eyes. On the other hand, the person who misses the chance to connect with nature gets stressed and panicked easily. His mind is filled with anger and arrogance and he fails to take the right decisions at the right time. He is not able to understand and handle situations in his life easily. Here, are a few tips that will help you to connect with Mother Nature every day:

1. Try to go for a morning or an evening walk.

2. Join a nature club where you can learn about gardening, soil conservation, and so on.

3. Grow a plant and water it every day.

4. Try activities like sky gazing or stargazing.

And if you think you are more adventurous then try:

1. Scuba diving

2. Paragliding

3. Hiking

4. Bungee jumping

5. Rock climbing

6. Rafting

Meditating in nature is a good practice that you must do at least twice or thrice a week. Nature gives the peace of mind and relaxes our bodies, meditating under a tree or on grass can make you feel more grounded and happy. Nature provides a very good environment to introspect oneself and one’s actions. Here are a few steps which you can follow to meditate:

  1. Find a peaceful spot and make sure there is no one around to disturb you.
  2. Now, stretch your body and let it relax.
  3. Sit in a straight posture and take 5- 10 deep breaths.
  4. Try to focus on your third eye point for at least 15 minutes.

6. Eat healthy food

It might sound weird but your food influences your thinking patterns and behavior. Eating healthy food that is rich in nutrients will keep you fit and safe from diseases. Try to consume as many vegetables and fruits as possible and also try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Try to eat food that is rich in vitamins and minerals. Avoid eating for the pleasure of your senses and start eating to boost your immunity. Mankind has seen two pandemics in the last two years and the highest percentage of people, who could survive were the ones having a good diet and a fit body. We must learn a lesson from it so that if something similar happens again in the future, we can survive.

5. Exercise daily

Along with eating healthy food, you must exercise daily. Exercising helps to keep your bones and muscles fit and also improves blood circulation in the body. People who exercise daily are not only physically fit but are mentally strong too. It is generally advised to exercise early in the morning as the environment is fresh and peaceful. Exercising reduces the risk of getting ill and helps the body to recover quickly.

Here, are a few exercises that you can do on regular basis:

1. Running

2. Cycling

3. Dancing

4. Swimming    

5. Jogging

6. Walking

7. Stretching

4. Spend time alone

Spending time alone helps to recharge the mind and you start to develop a great understanding of yourself. It will help you to become independent and strong. It will also help you to figure out all the toxic people in your life and you can easily distance yourself from all the negative energies in your life. You are the average of 5 people you hang out with and you become like them so there are high chances of you adapting the habits that your friends have but, if you will spend some time with yourself, you will be able to understand who is good and who is bad for you. People who can stay alone can do anything because they can listen to themselves and not what others around them are saying. They have high emotional intelligence and lower stress levels. Many people misunderstand being alone as being lonely. They are two different terms. You can be alone but not lonely or you can have dozens of friends but still feel lonely because loneliness is a state of mind where you feel unhappy and unvalued by others. People who feel lonely are the ones who are unable to understand their real selves. They try to act like others to impress them but end up being sad because they fail to understand the fact that they can’t please everyone around them. To help you vibe alone, here are a few useful tips:

1. Try to go out for lunch or dinner alone. This will remove all your hesitations and you will become more confident.

2. Try to spend some time in a peaceful place like a garden or a library. Switch off your phone so that you can speak to yourself without any disturbance.

3. Do a SWOT analysis of yourself weekly and then try to work on yourself.

4. Try to meditate every day.

3. Practice gratitude.

Gratitude is a great practice that will help you to stay connected with yourself and become more humble. Being grateful towards everyone and everything around you will dissolve your ego and you will feel happier. It will turn you into an optimistic person and you will see every situation positively. It will lower your stress levels and will improve your health. Here is how you can practice gratitude regularly:

1. Keep a gratitude journal.

2. Write 3 things you are grateful for.

3. Repeat this exercise every morning.

Be grateful for both the good and the bad things in your life.

2. Journaling

Journaling is an exercise that has the power to change your life and create a huge impact on yourself. Journaling helps to introspect and can be regarded as another kind of meditation. It gives you a space to analyze your actions and express yourself. After journaling continuously for some time you will no longer feel the need to be understood by others as you will turn very strong emotionally. You will no longer depend on others emotionally and socially. Try to journal every day and express the problems and emotions you never told anyone about. Try to find all the answers that you had been searching for all your life you will find them within yourself.

1. Find your life purpose and work on it.

As I said earlier life is a waste if it has no purpose. All the activities listed above will help you find your true purpose and will make you strong enough to fulfill it. You are very special so don’t waste your life by being aimless. Start doing this that is really needed and stop being with people who don’t let you grow.

martin.d 11/4/22, 9:42 PM
Well described
subir_cdlmnkblog 11/7/22, 3:14 PM
Perfect workouts for a meaningful life, very nice blog, each one of us will truly turn yogis if practiced thoroughly, very nice advice also, please read my blogs too.
harish.j 11/24/22, 2:15 PM
Such a wonderful blog 👌👍👏👏
abilasha.p.b 4/12/23, 4:09 AM
Great blog and interesting!!! It gives a great relaxation...Continue doing a great job..
rudra.suresh 4/12/23, 1:23 PM
Personally this help me and a good knowledge

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