You are doing so well, my love. I know you don't like attention or calling you out. You are allowed to exist. I just wanted to remind you that you are allowed to take up space. I want you to know that you can be so proud of yourself for handling all of these situations so well. Yes, you are amazing.
You have come a long way dear. Don't panic if you think somebody is more “ahead” than you. Don't undermine the progress you have made. Its completely fine if you are still figuring things out, saving money, putting the pieces together. Its fine.
You do know that growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong. So if you think you don't fit in there, just leave. Its important to take care of your mental health than your materialistic needs.
Sometimes you just feel bad, no matter how well your day went. Sometimes you still feel lost, sad and even jealous and you feel all of this at once, for no apparent reason. But please don't be too hard on yourself - while it is quite easy to control your thoughts. Controlling your emotion is a particularly hard thing to do. You are doing incredibly fine and no bad days, no string of bad phase is ever going to erase your progress. Just allow yourself to feel and be if necessary and take good care.
You can sound confident and have anxiety. You can look healthy and feel devastated. You can be good-looking and feel ugly. You can have everything and feel nothing. I just want you to remember that “ doing your best does not mean working yourself to the point of mental breakdown”. Take a break if you need. No. Take a break frequently so that you don't blame your body and mind for not cooperating with whatever you are doing.
Whenever you feel like giving up, just sit back and give yourself the time to reflect. Until now everything was alright and you did so well. Move on with the same confidence you had until now and crush the obstacles in your path as you always did.
I am so proud you, my love. For making it through. For not giving up. For enduring all the pain. For being kind and gentle. For not blaming yourself. For being yourself.