Hello everyone . Welcome again to my new blog . Hope you all are fine. Today topic is some what related to our nature and daily life style. So let's start it.
Recover the topic says different way of speaking words. From this I am not talking about our way of talking with anyone or any other thing.
This is just related tothe nature and success of the person life. In our daily life we meet many people some are good some seems to be good but are actually not as much they show.
Talking about ourself , we speak something in a different way which lead us to suffer a lot on that. Just as a example I take it that - Only I can do it other no one else , I can do it better than anyone.
This lines means to one but the difference of meaning leads it very high . The first line which we have told is actually not told by us it is just come out from our mouth through our ego present in the person mind.
The more ego , the more you go far from success.
Ego is not the topic but in this lines it matters more to be tell you about it. If you have ego in your mind then you cannot do anything perfectly . The ego will slowly break you from inside and you will not realise it. Ego will only give you a happiness for just a little second but in the next moment it will show its real side by giving you a great loss of hopes and loss of your work you done to complete the task or goal.
In the second line the words are told by ourself and in that words their is a confidence not the ego.
Confidence in a person , gives a support to walk up to his goal.
If you are confidence for anything than you have the power to achieve it . The confidence will help you to do work in better way than anymore. It gives a next level power to complete our our goal.
Guys ! The ego in a person loses it in the universe . It is not important for us that if you are capable to that thing than you show it others who cannot do it in a very different and a ego full way. This is only the wasting of your time and energy.
Just live ego free guys..
Thanks for reading 🤞
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