Mr.Raj did not talked to his brother for 36 years. Something happened between them that made their families seperate and unknown to each other. Both never told the reason of the anger, but their hatred for each other remaind forever. It was sad to know that, even today they don't talk.
Both families lost a lot by this. The children's were not allowed to talk to each other. Both the family kids had to suffer.
The point is that both parties suffer this grudges.
Do you remember how you felt holding anger for someone who hurted you ? Was your mind filled with hatred, Irritation & frustration ? All go through this phase in life when one's heart is badly hurting by close one may be it's a friend or family member or colleague or anyone. How do you deal with this situation. Were you able to come out of this negative feeling ?
Fact: Many people never forgive lifelong & never talk to each other.
There is misconception that forgiveness is about the other person but actually it is about oneself forgetting and forgiving. It's not about other person it's about oneself.
Yes, its hard to forgive..!!
But, why are you suffering by holding grudges in your heart.?
I know it is hard to forgive but it is for your peace of mind. You mind needs peace & for that reason you need not say "I forgive that person"
Know that you are doing it for yourself. You deserve peace that's why you need to forgive. You need to come out of constant thinking of that person how you will be taking Revenge.
Just talk to yourself and say “I forgive that person from now on, i do not have any hatred whatsoever. I am suffering coz of this hatred and feeling of Revenge, that's why I need to forgive just for my Peace.
Anger is bad for one self and holding anger is harmful. Forgiveness is the solution for this anger. Once you forgive anger will automatically reduce & in few days time your anger will be totally gone. Feelings of Revenge is making all the trouble.