FPTP (first past the post system) otherwise known as simple majority system is an electoral system in which the candidate with highest number of votes in a constituency is declared elected.
Example:India,UK follow FPTP electoral system.
FPTP electoral system
Indetail about FPTP:
The country is divided intosmallgeographicalconstituencies or districts. India has 543 constituencies.
Each constituency elects one representative.
Voters vote for candidate.
The winning candidate may not get majority votes,he secures the highest number of votes in that constituency.
A party may get more saeats than voyes in the legislature.
FPTP is relatively simple as the candidate could win despite securing less than half the votes in a contest.
In 2014, the National Democratic Alliance won 336 seats with only 38.5% of the popular vote.
Example: Direct elections to the Lok sabha and State legislative assemblies in India.
What is PR?
PR (proportional representation) otherwise known as single transferrable vote system implies asn electoral system where the parties are awarded a number of seats in proportional to the percentage of votes each recieved.
Example: Israel and Netherlands follow PR electoral system.
Indetail about PR:
The entire constituency may be a single constituency. Largely geographical areas are demarcated as constituencies.
More than one representative may be elected from one constituency.
Voters votes for the political party.
Candidate who hats majority of votes wins the elections.
Every party gets seats in the legislature in proportional of votes that it gets.
Sometimes, it leads to the multi-party coalition government.
Example: Indirect elections to the Rajya sabha and Legislative council, president and Vice President in India.
Why India adopted the FPTP system?
FPTP system is relatively simple to understand even for common voters unlike PR system which may work in a small country,but not in a sub-continental country like India.
FPTP ensures accountability as voter elects a specific candidate who is available and accessible to fulfill his promises to address his grievances, while in PR system it is party not a specific person.
India being a parliamentary democracy requires that the executive has majority in the legislature for stable government. Through FPTP the winning candidate secures the highest number of votes in that constituency.
FPTP system represents diversity of India with candidates appearing from different background irrespective of gender,caste, community or status.
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