Do you smoke? If your answer is “Yes” then you must read this blog & If your answer is “No” then you must definitely have to read this one. You will get to know why later in this blog.
Hye, My name is Vibhu and in today's blog I am going to discuss or rather inform you about a very less discussed but equally important topic for our health that is “Passive Smoking”.
Passive Smoking is also called Inactive Smoking or Invisible Smoking or sometimes you can call it “Ghost Smoking”. Did you know the fact that alone only in Japan 7000 people dies due to damage of lungs, cancer in lungs and cardiac disorders every year. But the more surprising fact is half of these people who dies are NON-SMOKERS, Yes that's true they are passively and unknowingly smoking the killer smoke released because of active smokers.
Such scenarios are seen increasing even more in developing countries like India because here we don't have strict rules and regulations about smoking in public places. Even if we have the rules at some places, people used to disobey them or mock them as if they are doing any good to themselves or the country.
Passive smokers are also vulnerable and can catch all those diseases which an active smoker who smokes regularly can develop.
Childrens & Unborn babies are the soft target of Passive smoking. Death of baby in womb, Asthama, Allergies & Disorders of Nervous system are some of the serious complications that are seen in young aged childrens.
All the other living creatures too whether they are living on streets or are our pets faces the same hazardous consequences from the smoke.
Many countries have strict laws against smoking in public places which includes imprisonment & economical penalties or both. We should also keep on educating people about its negative effects and the laws against it, so that our coming generation get to breathe fresh air atleast from their immediate surrounding.
That's it for today, I hope this post must have created some awareness & knowledge in you. Slowly but definitely we can bring positive changes in us and our society.
I will see you in the next post, till then take a good care of yourself and your family