The ran Aadhi Garam on du is H. Vinoth may have foretold that he could take action, but knows how to create an action sequence with a bigger vision and a bigger purpose of writing, choreography, and performance, the best. Reaffirms our belief that we may be an Indian filmaker. Remember when tom Hardy decided to join a small group of all female rebels against the warb army with beautiful set pieces and action sequence from Mad Max,:Futy Road? Imagine Tom Hardy approaching charlize Theron and telling a sentimental inside story why he decided to join them. That's what he promised his mother died. Imagine how boring and fake the movie was. This is exactly the problem that kill the H. Vinoth directed from becoming a darling action film. But this is not a needless exaggeration to satisfy fans :movie stunt scenes are stunning. Absolutely stunning. H. Vinos is a really great talent. He is one of the film makers to understood and ponder before writing down the plot blocks. The ran adh garam ond ru is H. Vinoth has declared that he can take action, but vali mai say sH. Our belief that vinoth may be perhaps the best Indian filmaker who knows how to perform writing, choreography and choreography action sequence with better vision and purpose . Repeat ai may have been the fast placed quirkily action movie we've seen for a long time. But it's stalled by the hiccups of the story: a) running the overall experience in a badly written sentimental scene, b) sadly it's another Ajith kumar whose style replace the entity. It is a star of. Ajith kumar is a rare “superstar” Who doesn't seem to care much about his image with . There he played a ruthless villian without a luxurious and moral compass. That's why vali ai hurts more because it looks like he missed the opportunity to instrument Ajith kumar for a pure genre of film. But more about the Ajith problem later. Vali Mail has a very generic promise it employs a decade sold Good vs Evil trope.But where we get to actually see the flourishes of vinoth in the manner he does that. Kartikeya Gumma Konda plays a Satan like Wolf Ranga who exploits vulnerable youngsters, shunned by society as ‘failures’ . He uses them to smuggle drugs that have already been smuggled into into Tamilnadu. The setup and staging are so great that you'll want more