Hello guys , welcome to my blog.
A exciting topic and mostly commonly found in some of us. Self underestimation.
Which is bad at most times. A teacher asked you to present yourself may be during speech selection, presentation, singing, dancing, drawing, and many other things which solely involve us to make a work done or make a impact. That are the moments we just give up, and that strengthens your weakness and insecurities.
It's fact, might make you feel discouraging. Nothing good comes with that. The thing that happened to a best friend of mine.
It was the day of d r a w i n g competition in our school. And many student who doesn't know drawing or how to draw were participate in the competition. My friend was the only one who doesn't want to draw, and teacher asked my friend that why is he not participating in the competition. He said that he don't want to draw. And even of asking a lot. So teacher left. During the c o m p e t i t i o n, he draw something back side of his book which was a drawing of a sun and house, tress around it, mountains between through which water is flowing, which was a m a z i n g.
The exam ended , and n e x t day was the prize distribution day. And other friend of his got s e l e c t e d whose drawing was not so good. But that was the drawing ranked above all of the student. IF just if my friend, was not arguing with teacher, not gave up and started drawing, it would have got the prize I was sure of it.
He argued with the teacher that he cannot do drawing, he just thought that he was not the cut out for drawing, and missed a chance to prove his talent.
He r e g r e t t e d later, for not doing the drawing, but doesn't come back, c h e r i s h your talent and present them when chance arrives.
His s e l f - u n d e r s t i m a t i o n, took his t a l e n t away. WE many not know how chances come to us. T h i n k i n g carefully before stepping is o k, but take a step if you had to take.