Published Jun 8, 2021
9 mins read
1849 words
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Problem Or Training?

Published Jun 8, 2021
9 mins read
1849 words

OH! No I have a ‘PROBLEM’ . Why this always happens with me? Why am I not lucky! Please problems give me some discount as I am your daily customer. I am very problematic , I always face problem so not this time, I am unlucky!!! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!.

These words are often heard from many people around us. Here I can give example and that are our friends, relatives, parents , siblings and almost everyone in the world. They always say “he/she is lucky as he/she don't have any problem in their life they are living comfortably" and the more interesting thing is that “These he and she who are being referred as comfortable are talking about others and saying the same words”. With this line i want to clear that in this world everyone have problems. Maybe that is animal, bird, bacteria , virus, human, plant, machine, all the things present on earth. Now you may be wondering that how birds and animals can have problem? They have the problem of food, shelter, water, clothes and much more. Now birds and animals think that humans don't have problems because they have the food, shelter, water, clothes which are basic needs. Now human thinks that animals and birds don't have any problem because they don't have to face their boss, they don't have to study, they don't have to earn, they don't have to work , they don't have to pay bills , they don't have to face people. 

Is the situation clear? NO? Then read carefully i am depicting another example. 

once a bird name robbin was flying high. He was free and cute bird, no worries, no tension, he got food and water and much more. Once a man named rahul was working in an MNC company. His boss was too rude and strict so he always try to find a way to avoid meeting with boss. Now one day a huge storm came and robbin was looking for shelter. Rahul had a project to complete which had not been completed yet. Both are in problem. Robbin came and sat on the edge of the Rahul's office window and thought how lucky is he, he have a shelter on his head and after the robbin came in the sight of rahul he thought “how lucky he have no work to do”.

This example clears that everyone have his or her own problems. So first and foremost thing is stop saying:

  1. why these problems are only in my life
  2. why I am forced to face problems in life.
  3. he or she is lucky as they don't have any problem.

Because. These sentence may not provide you the solution but one thing they definitely provide and that is “self-doubt”. The most important thing to succeed in life is to have self-confidence. (i will be writing on self doubt and on self-confidence soon so follow and stay tuned.) Lets come back to the point. These sentence often lower your self - belief system and then you are in more danger to get defeated by the problem and the automatic result is “Then you start resisting problems”. which should not be done. Now you would be thinking “Is triggered_writer mad” what is he talking about. Don't resist problems? Why? I am sure he is mad.

NO  I am not mad and this i will be proving in the upcoming section. This blog is gonna be long so please be attentive. Grab your coffee and just read , learn and enjoy. I will try my best to approach this serious issue in a humorous way.

1st lesson = our first lesson that we learn from the upper paragraph is that stop saying those lines. Which means stop complaining. Once you stop complaining you stop doubting yourself. Moreover chances are that you may have a little bit raise in you self-confidence and at the same time the compound effect is working. (i will write a different blog on compound effect too but for now). Compound effect says that the consistency is the key. right decision taken at the right time and repeated back to back gives us fruitful result.

Right action + Right time + Repetition =  Fruitful Result.

although this is my equation which i made simple for you but the real one is.

Small, Smart choices + Consistency + Time = Radical effects.

This equation works in real life. This equation is taken out from a book and I will tell the book name at the last. So keep Reading.



I want to ask you that is it really a problem or an illusion ? Everyone thinks that he or she have problems in his/her life but are these circumstances really capable that they can be termed “problem”? Are they deserving that we take stress? Do they deserve that we leave our work, we destroy our relation because of anger, go into depression and end up eating medicines instead of ice-cream with our partner, break things, every time lost in the thinking of past/ future? Do they?

Now what do this means? This means that the situations that you are facing are really worthy? Because if you belong to middle class family and you don't have any two - wheeler or any other thing to show off. It is not a problem at all. There also many other situations that do not stand anywhere in our life but still we force them to stay connected with us and get sympathy of others. But if you really want to improve and grow. Then be honest with yourself is it really a problem? Because problems are more than our thinking. They are not that we think they are for our favor. You will be again calling me mad. But wait for sometime i will prove it to you. So let me give you some most rubbish situations that you always call problem.

  1. There is a problem because i didn't prepared for the exam
  2. I can't buy it because i don't have money
  3. There is a problem because i can't play game in my phone
  4. There is a problem because my parents scold me
  5. There is a problem because i got less marks.
  6. There is a problem because i don't have skill

So, in these situations is it really a problem? no because in these situations you are responsible for yourself. You didn't prepared for the exam because you were busy in chatting, you can't buy that because you didn't worked and earned, you can't play game because you have no time, every parent on the earth scolds their child no big issue and much more , you can compare left over situations now. 


Now the question comes “If these are not the real problems, then what the real problem is?” 

Problem = These are those situations that nature provides you or we can say you are pushed into these situations by nature because nature wants to test you to give something bigger. This is a kind of test. Not a thing to worry about.

now nature don't have enough time that nature force your parents to scold you and create a problem for you, as you get scolded because of your “KARM”. no need to blame any one else or nature here. Be mature enough to understand difference between problem and rubbish.

Let me clear my definition of problem with an example:

Once a farmer was in trouble. He worked hard to sow the wheat and he was happy when the harvesting season came, but before that crops were damaged because of hailstorm, others farmers faced same situation. So they said to god that “God you don't know how to take care of us, you can't fulfil our needs and wishes, you don't deserve to be god.” To teach them lesson god gave his all powers to the farmer. Farmer said “Ok god so now i will show you how to manage the earth and lives of people, fulfilling their needs and wishes, just wait and watch!” God accepted, Now all the farmers again sown the seeds and waited for harvesting season and the farmer with power provided everything to the crop, (water, sunlight, fertilizer, manure, etc.) In simple words all the demand of the crop was fulfilled. Everyone was happy  , harvesting season arrived, everyone started cutting, shocking thing was


Now the farmer said to god, god you have cheated me , and god said

I didn't cheated anyone , you didn't provide problems to the crop which made them so weak that they were not able to form/ hold the grain

i hope the story was interesting and here most interesting line comes in my mind and I feel worthy to share it.


The conclusion is to be strong, bold, great and to achieve success you have to face problems. Toughest war are given to strongest soldiers not to weak ones. If you have any problem then be proud and feel lucky. Read below i have shared something good.

There were two boys in a school , Ronnie and Ramit. Ramit was a farmer's son ,poor and innocent. Ronnie belonged to rich family. Ronnie was in his comfort zone, but ramit worked hard after the school and helped his father, he studied till late night. Ronnie didn't worked neither he studied, he was only enjoying the comfort. Ramit's father passed away, Now the problem comes, nature has thrown a problem to ramit now he have to options.

i) give up

ii) fight and be successful

ramit chose second, he worked daily in the fields and studied hard and a time came when he was the topper. In the between ronnie's father also passed away but the ronnie continued to spend his father savings, after 10 years, ramit was the “IAS”officer and ronnie was the farmer.

now you understood how the problem worked as a training ground for ramit? This is the power of problems.

Don't be afraid of problems, face them they are for you, they are with you and according to me we should demand more problems so that we can also achieve more. 

If you will run today , you will be running forever, 

but if you will fight today you will be enjoying forever,

choice is all yours.

So guys this was the concept of problems i hope you liked it. If i committed any mistake then please comment down and if you find it interesting then please comment a heart.

as my promise 

BOOK NAME = The compound effect

If you want pdf then send me a email on

follow my instagram page = @knw_business

keep reading, keep enjoying i will return soon with some more new and valuable content. Thanks for giving your time

Thank you


gyanact 6/8/21, 11:30 AM
Nice article bro
trisha.sunkara 6/18/21, 5:49 AM
Omg! Very nice do read mine and follow me for a follow back
akira 7/20/23, 1:42 AM
Hey very good one! Nice corrective tips to be followed for success. Please follow mine and give your valuable feedback.

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