Have you ever thought of the fact that language is a complicated and twisted model that can make various senses even without transforming the sentence? Undoubtedly true, but it is confusing and complex for many people when it comes to the English language.
Everything can create bizarre moments for those trying the language for the first time, from punctuations to words with multiple meanings. But that's not it; there are some sentences in English that will even put you to thinking in the first place.
Let us see a few such sentences.
I never said he stole my money.
What is funny in this sentence? Well, it is the emphasis to put on the word. Suggestively,
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy red dog.
Do you notice something strange? No, well, this is a sentence that has all the alphabets from A-Z incorporated in it while making complete sense grammatically.
The sentence you just ended reading is the one you started reading.
Are you re-reading or just reading? Think of it and try reading again. However, a simple sentence is surely the one that can get you stuck in the loop.
A woman without her man is nothing.
True or false? Well, it is based on the perspective by which you wish to read the sentence.
See how simple punctuation can change the entire meaning of the sentence.
If it is it, it is it.
Wow! In simple terms, if A is B, then A is B, end of the story. But it can be surely fun to read or even speak to others.
Take a right, then a left, and left, and right because if you don't take the left right, you will be lost.
So many lefts and rights! I prefer to stay at home rather than following instructions given in this particular manner because I will be lost.
He offered him the piece of a pie to make peace and not to piss him.
Simple and straightforward. But 'piece', 'peace', and 'piss' have similar pronunciations, and if not read properly, well, the meaning is entirely lost.
So, yes, there are bizarre sentences that can play with your brains and make you scratch hard all day long. But the truth is language is beautiful in all ways.
Hope you have fun reading it.