It has been over eleven years that “Adopt Don't Shop” campaign was launched by Los Angeles based nonprofit animal advocacy organization.This is international campaign to spread awareness about benefits of adopting the animals instead of buying them from shops. Many people often ask me which is best shop to buy a dog/Cat? which breed is the best? My first question to them is, “Why do you want to buy one? Why can't you just adopt the one from street who actually needs you or Why you don't want to rescue one?" But in attempt of buying a good looking, Healthy and pure breed dog/cat, aren't we forgetting the real reason for which we wanted a dog/cat. we need a love, companionship and happiness in our lives and it's the reason we decide to take furry friend to our home.
Those we buys a dog from puppy mill they are actually promoting a commercial dog breeding and clearly ignoring a dogs who are dying because of starvation, not getting proper care and many because of accidents.
Why one should avoid buying dog:
1.Practices and conditions in most breeding centers are not ethical. Dogs live in nasty condition. they even not get basic necessities and proper veterinary. 2. The breeders breed female dogs at every opportunity they get, not even giving them sufficient time to recover, the result is many puppies born with many serious health issues and dies premature. 3. Many local shelter have limited place at their shelter, after that limit they are not able to rescue another animals if present where not get adopted.
Advantages of adopting animals:
1.Amount of self-satisfaction that you will get by adopting a dog would far surpass that when you purchase one because the amount of unconditional love you will receive from a homeless or rescued dog is such a pure. 2. Adoption is free of cost! you don't have to invest any money for it. 3.For every dog you adopt from rescue center or shelter, one more dog is taken to that place. so you saves life of two by adopting one.
Many street dogs are looking for family. so why not give them a chance of finding their lovable, forever homes? they too deserve a better life, loving home. The satisfaction of saving a life can't be compared to anything else.
So please save a life…Adopt a street/shelter animals.