Vaccination is important right now💉💉💉 :-
Getting vaccination is very important right now to each and every person. We have two types of vaccines available right now one is covaxin developed by Bharat bio tech and covishield development by Oxford Anthrazeneca.
Every medicine has its own side effects as well as covid 19 vaccine also have some side effects. By knowing all these side effects in advance we can able to over come some complicated situations. Point to be noted vaccination will show advrse effort on some people due to reactions in theirbody. This is due to lack of awareness of vaccination side effects.
Recent studies states that, when we compared to covaxin, covishield have more side effects. We now see the side effects of both covaxin and covishield.
Side effects of covaxin :-
1. spot of injection gets red
2.low fever
3. headache
5. Feeling of tiredness or lack of energy
Side effects of covishield :-
1.Body pains (seviour or lite)
2.feeling like you are going to vomit.
3. muscle pains
4.feeling of being cold even though, environment is not cold.
5.sensation of being warm
7.extreme high fever (102 degrees farhenheit)
8. Wheezing and short ness of breath.
9. breathing difficulties
10.nervous weekness
11.anaphylaxis (very rare)
Don't be panic by seeing these side effects blindly remember one thing these side effects caused by the vaccination have treatments but covid 19 has no treatment the only way to treat covid 19 is vaccination.These two vaccinations are good and they fight against covid 19 efficiently.
Some people should be careful while taking covaxin :-
Covaxin is not preferred for the people who suffers with immune disorders, bleeding problems, pregnent ladies, lactation women, and the person taking blood thining medicines and the person with less immune system or taking any sort of immuno drugs should take this covaxin by doctors consultation only.
People should take care with covishield :-
Covishield is not preferred for the people who have bad reactions, allergy or sensitive to certain food /ingredients and who are planning to coneive should consult the doctor while taking this vaccination.
The above information is provided to create some awareness in the people so that no one will be panic when these symptoms occurs after taking vaccination. If the symptoms become advarse we should consult the doctor and take their suggestions.
By seeing these side effects don't be afride to take vaccination because even paracetamol have its own side effects, the only way to fight covid is vaccination. We all come together to save our mother INDIA from covid 19 by taking vaccination.
Note : the above information provided in this blog is not be considered as a medical option. This is purely collected from the factsheets, doctor talks, awareness programmes, newspapers, articles. Please consult your doctor befor taking vaccination.