meaningful is the only important thing in life. If you are lucky enough to find meaningful work in life then you dont need to look here and there. Lucky in the sense, what you choose in life. 999 people out of 1000 don't have high aim in life, for that they can they sacrifice their whole life then these kind of people should marry. There are many unmarried people who regret later. many people dont marry because they think its a new fashion and they are doing something different,But after age of 40 to 45 your balloon gets deflated. Then you start complaining and cursing yourself for not marrying, not having changu mangu. So never take quick decision about marriage that you are going to stay single for whole life. Dont get influenced by any monk or baba. It should come from inside. unless and until you have bigger goals you shouldn't stay unmarried else you will regret later. many people give example of swami Vivekanand and raman maharishi that they were also unmarried but they also have bigger things to achieve in life. If you are involved in small things like 2 rupees, 4 rupees, what others are doing then you are doing big crime by not marrying.
We all know the idealistic views that we should not get angry, live in harmony with everyone, we all know this things but How can we inculcate these ideal views with our habits??? what is the method???
Answeres to all this questions is βpainβ. suppose i have pain in my right hand, in case i don't give rest to my right hand then there will be more pain and will be obliged to take rest. now if i am abusing myself with intoxicating things like drug, alcohol etc then you will not feel the pain, your right hand will tell to not to lift upto certain limit but you will not listen to your hand and will lift it more than its limit because you are under intoxication that would result into more pain. so my friends the only cure for your pain is pain only if you are more sensitive towards your pain. but under influence of alchol drugs you forget your pain, and when you forget your pain you start doing wrong things similar to discussed example of lifting your right hand in pain. abusing yourself, will increase your pain.