let there be no compulsion about eating and drinking. That vegetarian food is better than no vegetarian food and for it is not the food but how and in what particular manner we eat that makes the actual big difference " Why are you killing your heart with excess of eating and drinking and sleeping " say the Gurus. food should be very simple and sober never rich, just one course is better than many. Do not eat like a hungry dog but with mindfulness that we have been given a chance to live this human life as a stepping stone to a much higher life. similarly in sleep we should cut the size of our meal and no of times we eat.
and by very slow process form new habits of eating.You dont have to do anything in a hurry.
"thats why i say onto you be not so concerned for your life, what you will eat is not for your body what will you put on is not life more than meat and the body more than clothing?"
for person more thsn the age of 22 the growth of body is finished. food then only meet the requirements to replace worn out tissues of body. Therefore we do not recommend the way of life for those who have not yet completed their 22 years. Eveb if they wish to follow they are very much welcome to do so. There will be no harm will result. why i am not recommending is due to the seriousness of life should not be brought in very beginning of life unless of course it automatically comes from within a person.
we need to avoid wasteage of physical work , mental and indulgence in sex we shall be able to create a great economy so that with new order of food habits and reduced food intake and less of sleep, we will feel better, fresher and more healthier.
After stoping waste we also take precautionary steps. In the beginning we have to eat nothing and all food intake to zero before 10 am to 11 am. this should be done very slowly over a time frame of 20 to 25 weeks. then only one meal between 11 am to 2 pm should be important meal for a time. nothing should be done simply because of feeling that we are craving something. Take long time to cut food, if this feeling is coming. Do not use your will power and do not tell anyone that you are on fasting . you are certainly not fasting but only improving . Now if you have givenup partying way of life i. e eating, sleeping, drinking as much as and at any time we want to. Dont take water or any kind of drink (aloe juice) during meal. strictly avoid habit of taking something with tea in the evening let us therefire over a period of 20 to 30 weeks slowly stop all food consumption till the night mill. slowly but strictly reduce the food intake at night over a period of 20 to 25 weeks then totally drop this night meal completely .