According to our beloved Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev creation occurred many billions of years ago in series of Big Bangs like the roar of an animal and is still continuing. So some theologies describe the creator as the Rudra, the Roarer. The creation has completed 84 cycles and is still continuing. It will go till 120 creation cycles as predicted by Sadhguru. All the previous effect of creation is dormant now only the effect of the last 20 creations is still faintly in existence, and we are going through the 21st creation waves which imprint on us. All living beings on this planet has the permanent imprint of such roar of creations or the effect of cosmic waves of the source of creations.
If one examines the rings as seen in the cross-section of a 500-year-old Banyan tree trunk one can easily get the proof of the concept of creation which occurred repeatedly and the imprint of such phenomenon on the living trunk. Even section of human bones have such effects. When age of our universe, age of a particular living being, and the rings found in the section of such body is calculated by some mathematical means the figure 84 will immediately come showing the times this universe roared or manifested it's creation, as claimed and suggested by our beloved Sadhguru.
This phenomenon will take 120 cycles, and stop, but this will go through billions and billions of year's to come, who's exact calculation is not yet done. The cosmos is endless, never ending in all ways going to infinity in all directions.
Now in this universe our body is one of the most complex and most huge collection of sophisticated chemical factory 🏭 having automatic intelligence. You yourself are the sole CEO of that factory. If you run it well, smoothly, you are happy in bliss; otherwise you are agitated, angry and tired. To operate such a factory by it's keyboard you need to master your words, you need to keep silence, you need meditation, not indulge in sudden fights, break the calm or silence, indulge in any activity that disturbs the equilibrium balance of the mental state, thus release hormone that intensify disease.
Haphazard folding and crush full nature of keeping clothes, costumes, leads to negative energy which is confirmed by the anti clockwise motion of the rudraksha held on top of such heap. But keeping clothes in a perfect even square folding format results in total positive energy shown by the clockwise movement of the rudraksha chain hold on top of the tidy clothes.
A stone lingam in a consecrated place shows all positive energy liberating from all points of the lingam in different levels at all places around it. So the space around the lingam in a temple 🕍 is very positive energy absorbing. So we bow down in front of a lingam so that it imparts positive energy through it and we receive it through the head side i.e. the control house of the body or the CPU.
Will be continued, Subir Kumar Ghosh.