Published Feb 2, 2023
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Life Hacks

Tips To Create A Healthy Lifestyle

Published Feb 2, 2023
8 mins read
1524 words

Do you want to know some simple tips that will lead to a healthy lifestyle? Here are 5 simple tips that will boost your overall heath, mood, and motivation. 

Do you ever feel sick of the habits in your life that consume you? Maybe it’s eating a bag of chips and not realizing that you have eaten half the bag (guilty, chips are my kryptonite). Or it is eating out every night because you’re tired and it’s hard?

I completely understand, it’s so hard and your feelings are valid.

You are going to learn all about fighting negative thoughts and how to push through to create healthy habits. Once you get in the habit of doing something, you might not want to go back to your old ways.

This post is all about tips that will help you create a healthy lifestyle.

Best Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle:

1) Create Goals For Yourself

In January everyone is always talking about the goals they set for the upcoming year. But, as we all know it, a couple of months into the year and it seems that everyone has forgotten about the goals.

The only way we can accomplish our goals is to fight for it, to do it when it’s the last possible thing you want to do.

When writing the goals out, make sure to make them obtainable and as simple as possible. This will help accomplish more goals.

For example, one unrealistic goal would be to run a marathon in 2 months with zero experience (it’s possible but very unlikely). However, you could set a goal to run a certain amount of miles a week to prepare you for a marathon later in the future.

One goal that I have set for myself is to do a workout video at least 4 times a week. I do not like going to the gym anymore. So, one thing that works for me is doing full body/HIIT videos on youtube. I do Madfit’s videos, I love them, she is so encouraging to work out with.

I usually start my day with a short (10-20 minutes long) workout video; it makes me feel so much better and more productive throughout the day. This has helped me create a healthier lifestyle than the one I was living before.

2) DO Something Everyday That Makes You Happy


Us humans get in this 9-5 grind. I feel like we wake up, work, eat, and then go to bed only to wake up and do it all over again. Where is the fun in that?

We need to get out of this rut and mindset that this is all that life is about. Life is about relationships, making someone smile, and having a conversation with a stranger that goes deeper than “I’m good, how are you”.

If we choose to do something that brings us joy daily, we will enjoy life more.

Whether it’s going to Starbucks, hanging out with your friends, planning a trip, reading a book while cozy in bed, working out, or going for a sunset drive.

I know that life is hard and so tiring, but we must push through the negative feelings and emotions to experience life the way Jesus intended. We have to seek the good in every situation. We have to push ourselves to do things out of our comfort zone even though we don’t want to.

Doing something that we enjoy every day, will make life so much more fun and will help us live a healthier lifestyle.

3) Meal Prep

Meal prepping is so hard, but it is so convenient when you have multiple meals ready to be eaten throughout the week.

This saves money and is more healthy than eating out. It’s awesome because you can make things that you know you like.

Some of my go-to meal prep ideas are chicken and rice, chicken pesto pasta, and Jumbalaya. Jumbalaya is not as nutritious, but it is indeed very yummy.

I find that when I meal prep, it also prepares me mentally for the week. It gives me a sound mind just knowing that I have already prepared my lunches for the week

4) Find 10 Things You Are Grateful For 

Pretty Place

I know how it feels to wake up and just feel bleh. Not excited for the day, or the week, or really anything. It sucks.

When I am feeling like this, I write down everything I take for granted that I have been blessed with. This helps me get out of the rut that I woke up in.

I know that it is hard to think of 10 things because it was for me. But just try to reach 10 because then it will help you notice more things that you are grateful for.

My list would be: My health, my house, experiencing a new place, sunrises and sunsets, different seasons, the ability to dream, my job, my family, and God’s love.

Yes, some are very corny, but I am so grateful for all of them. Doing this gives you a thankful heart, leading you to focus more on the good than the bad.

5) Exercise

Bike Ride

I hope that word did not scare you off. Bear with me for just a second if it almost did.

I know some of us love exercising and some of us hate it.

Exercise can help maintain your weight, boost your mood, build muscle, and many more things. I’m not saying you need to go join a gym if you want to create a healthy lifestyle. I’m just saying that a little physical activity can help.

Making the conscious decision to walk around your house a couple of times, or do a couple of squats in the morning and at night is perfect.

You could even go for a nice bike ride like we did, (although it was not very nice, it was so hard, but I did it!).

Exercising is so hard, but you will be so proud of yourself after!

Consciously deciding to do a little extra than you normally do is great for your body and mind.

It can be anything that you don’t normally do, something that will push your body and mind to grow stronger. You could go for a walk, go to the gym, complete a workout video, or even create your own list of exercises.

Please don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t exercise every single day. But if you do, let me just remind you that you are awesome no matter what.

ONE huge thing, don’t let the numbers on the apple watch define you. I have a super hard time with this. Don’t let the calorie burn goal have the ability to tell you if you had a good workout or not.

I sometimes slip and think, “Wow, I only burned 50 calories during that workout video therefore, it was not a good workout and now I don’t feel good about myself”.

Focus on how your body feels after exercising and not on what the watch says.

This post was all about 5 tips that will help you create the healthy lifestyle you’ve always dreamed about.

Ending With Encouragement

To end the post, here’s one Bible verse that has helped me though this confusing time in my life. I am so worried about the future, but there is nothing I can do about it except pray and ask for guidance.

Jesus has shown me this verse so many random times today. I hope that this helps your situation and brings you comfort, the Lord is holding you in His hands. 

Matthew 6:34, “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” 

That was Jesus speaking. Literally, the creator of the universe said don’t worry about tomorrow. Jesus knows what He’s doing and knows everything that is going to happen in your life. 

If he says we shouldn’t be worried, then we shouldn’t be worried. I know, easier said than done, but I just want to encourage you to surrender your future, your finances, and your relationships, surrender everything to him. 

He wants to carry all of your burdens for you, don’t keep them on your own shoulders, it creates bad posture. 

Surrender your worries to Jesus by closing your eyes. Imagine you are standing in front of him holding the thing that is causing all of the worries. 

In my hands, I am holding my fear. My fear of the future, or losing a loved one, of anything. I imagine fear being this green ugly floating blob. 

Now, take your ugly blob and give it to Jesus. I’m serious, do it. Literally, picture yourself handing your blob over to him. 

He takes it from you and makes it vanish. It goes poof, it’s gone. He was excited to do that for you. He loves you and cares for you so much. He is so proud of you, he thinks you’re awesome even if you don’t think that yourself. 

Keep doing that when you find yourself worrying. 

Praying for you always, Carley.


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