Have you ever think about the impressions your words make on people you speak them to?
Your words have incredible power which reinforce your beliefs and your beliefs create the real you. There is great power in each and every word you speak. A word can make you feel happy, inspire you, and completely change the course of your life. Besides this, words can also rip your heart into million pieces within seconds. Words can be magical as well as devilish. It's upto you which ones you use and how they will affect you and the people around you. You might not realise this, but some expresssions you use can awfully damage the relationship with others. Even though your intentions are not bad but your words can make situation worst, break friendships and relations just because of the words you speak. Words have power and energy with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to be humble. What power will you use, hurt or heal?
You are the one who choose what to attract in your life. The words you say can help you achieve anything you can possibly imagine. There is a fine art of choosing words. Our word choices can define how other people view us. How, when and where we all speak have a tremendous impact on not only how we are perceived, but how we make others feel.
Check yourself before you speak because you can't undo what you've done. Always try to see things from other person's point of view. We are defined by the words we associate with ourselves. You just need to be careful how and when you use words!