Hellooooo guys!!
To be very honest, I was in a very good mood today and wanted to write something. But ofcourse, when you are in the mood to write, your mind is not! Same thing happened with me; I could not think of anything or any topic to talk to you guys about.
So after procrastinating for about an hour, I felt like writing a heart - to - heart kind of note. This note is just something like a personal thought ( I don't know if that is the right word here).
Being humans, we all feel different kind of emotions and experience various moods everyday. Many times it is like a roller coaster! Somedays, I am like the most enthusiastic person as soon as I get up! I wake up fully energized and am in a very good mood to complete all of my tasks which I am expected to complete that day. I feel content and usually do more than I am expected and yet I don't feel tired or irritated.
While on some days, I literally have to struggle to even get out of bed. I just do not feel like doing anything the whole day. I just wish to lay in bed for more time in the morning; I wish to just sit in one place reading books or watching a series or movie; I don't even feel like talking to anyone.
Initially, I used to get angry on myself for feeling this way. I literally used to drag myself out of my bed, and made myself to do my assigned duties. And that used to make me feel more bad. It started to make me hate myself.
Later on, I realised that our mind also needs some rest. It also needs to have its own good and bad days. I need to give myself time to feel okay and not just drag my mind everyday. So I started practising a new thing. Whenever I felt like I am not feeling okay today (mentally) or I don't feel like doing anything, I used to just let myself be that way. I started to calm my mind by just doing the bare minimum I felt like doing. I used to just get out of bed, have tea, read a book, watch movie or series, rest, or do just anything that my mind tells.
I learnt that we should embrace every emotion that we feel! Not feeling okay sometimes is okay. Our mind also needs a day to cleanse itself and relax.
Although, having such days frequently is not a good sign.
Having a day off will make you appreciate small things in your life.
I hope this little note from my heart to your heart makes sense (atleast a little) and helps you!