it's been around one month or more I think I have written a blog my account got suspended I don't know why.
According to the Annual Status of Education Report that is ASER that aims to provide the quality of education in India. For their 2018 report, AESR surveyed more than 5 lakh school children in around 596 districts in rural India in these surveys the members ask students to undertake tasks to measure their reading and maths skill
For example, for reading, students from Grade 1 to Grade 8 are asked to read this paragraph. For maths, students are asked to perform such subtractions. Unless you have actually spent a lot of time in schools in rural India,
They found that nearly 50% of Grade V students who were asked to read to Grade II's text, failed to do the same 50% of Grade V students could not read a Grade II text!
For maths, only 24.5% of Grade V students who were given the subtraction task were able to complete it. And this is very surprising because
it's not as if children are not going to school. In fact, only 4.4% of kids don't go to school. So that means that children are going to school, they are just not learning
Now, some of you might think that such things happen only in government schools in rural India
But that is not so. The same problems persist in the schools in urban India And this will be clearer when we discuss these problems that are responsible for this issue
This issue is well explained by two economists, Karthik Muralidharan and Abhijeet Singh, they also made students undergo a test
to understand what is their level of learning. Their results weren't too different from what Pratham found.
There were many, who actually should have been in 5th, 4th, and even the 1st grade
Think about it yourself!
Imagine a class of 6th standard- Where only two of students are able to understand what is being taught in the class
While the learning level of other students is that of 5th, 4th, and even 1st grade!
According to the researchers, most of the students are below curricular standard
So while the performance of Indian students should be this,
it actually is this
"The fear of the whip makes even the lion learn to sit in a chair
But such a lion would be called well trained not well educated!"