Doraemon is a Japanese manga series or an animated cartoon series written by fujiko f.fujio. And was first serialised December 1969 and was published by shogakukan from 1970 to 1996 .
Doraemon used to keep such gadgets even a robot that came from the 22nd century, which is not possible in this world. In this series there are many characters and many numbers of episode . Doraemon is coming from 22nd century for the help of nobita by the asking of nobita's grandson named sewashi. In this series Doraemon has a very cute sister named Doraemi . Doraemi help Doraemon in such a difficulties.
Sewashi and doraemi are good friends . Nobita always doing the demand of gadgets from Doraemon and always crying 😭😭. This is such a great and cute cartoon series written by fujiko f. fujio
Nobita had many friends such as Doraemon , Suneo, Gian, Shizuka . Those who used to bother him and used to support him in trouble . Nobita enjoyed his life with Doraemon. This is a great carton animated series . In this series nobita is very lazy and weak in studies and also in game .
Nobita has a good friend named Shizuka . He played with her and think it his a life partner.
Friends, you all must know Doraemon. This was such a cartoon series in which it was hardly possible in the world when children used to get to see such gadgets. This series is one of the favorite cartoons of children.
The real story of nobita.
Do you know the real story of Doraemon and Nobita?You must have heard many stories of Doraemon and Nobita before, but do you know the story that I am going to tell you today.
This story is set in Japan where a boy named Nobita suffers from schizophrenia. It is such a disease that a person cannot think in right words and such things appear which are not possible in the world.
There was a reason behind Nobita having schizophrenia.
We must have seen in the cartoon that Nobita was so lazy and weak in studies and moreover he was weak in the game as well.In the meantime, he was upset and thought of himself alone, so he made a friend in his mind, named Doraemon.
His illness lasted for about 7 years and when he turned 16 years, he was given medical counseling. Then he is told that it is a fiction.