Music is something that pleases our heart.It shows in ourself .Music is good companion when we are alone .Music has emotions and its own language that only understood when we go into it . we became happy as well as sad as we are deep into the music. when we go deep into this music we will admire more things first of all music can be related to ourselves.
When we come to making of music we decide tunes ,lyrics ,vibes and singer ,it is compared to a new born baby where we choose its name take care of it and its future is determined by their parents value which they have thought to their children ,it determines how the future will be as same as in music the music which gets famous it depends upon musicians ,this how I compare life with music.
pitch ,rhythm ,tempo,meter these are all the organs that fulfils the is another way to explain what is going on in our minds. When words fail to explain what is exactly going on in our mind ,music become best partner.millions of people are addicted to music because it steals everybody heart without any compromise. Music is found in each and every aspects of life .music starts from emotion .most of the feelings are expressed only by means of music .
purest form of love is moms love is first gets communicated through music. Love between couples is also a form of music. music helps us to stabilise our mental health. music plays important role in everyone life. as we here a music it reminds lot of things in life . birds communicate between themself in form of music .
Not only humans but all creatures communicate in form of music. It is also in part of entertainment .Music is a form of art which form melody,rhythm ,beats ,sad and happy song . First music born through each and every part of nature .Sometimes for some person who is in depression, stress,anxiety and lonely music gives empathy and comfort .Music. has no age to hear everyone can enjoy it. music has no comparison for people ,religion and rich or poor . In most general form ,the activity describing music as an art form or culture .
Music performed with vaste rang of instruments and vocal techniques ranging from singing to rapping ; there are solely instrument pieces ,solely vocal pieces and pieces that combine singing and instrument. The word derives from greek (art) of muses