Water is most Natural Drink on earth for Human. Drinking water is essential for life to keep you healthy, your immune system depend on well hydrated body. in today topic we are going to shares you how to stay hydrated & Stay Healthy & How Water Supports Your Immune System. so lets gets Started to know More natural Drink about Water.
The Human Body is Nearly 70% of water contain, so its important that we need to stay well hydrated to stay healthy. you need to drink enough water so that your body can easily digest your food & deliver nutrient to your cells.
If you cant have enough water, controlling your body temperature would be a challenges, your muscle would be tire more quickly, your joint lack of lubrication, too. to function properly Every cells, tissue, & organ you need to have enough water properly.
water is needed during the digestive process, but especially in terms of absorption of nutrient into the blood once there, the nutrients are transported in this watery parts to all the cells of the body, where they can be absorb & utilized.
In addition water at bed time will also help prevent night leg cramps. Your leg muscle are seeking hydration when they cramp & wake you up with fresh.
If you find it hard to drink water in you daily routine, then here are some tips might help you to stay hydrated whole day.
As you know important of Water. it is really helpful if you can see the water you plan to drink to track you daily progress. keep reminder on you phone to regular your water intake properly.
Most of us are naturally dehydrated in the morning. so have a glass of water in the morning or you can keep it to your bed before hit the bed.
Make you own Juicy Mix flavor of Water. you can have it in early morning lime juice or you may add some cucumber, fresh mint, Ginger powder, Cinnamon powder. to get best test to drink.
There is another Natural source like watery Fruits & Vegetables like Cucumber, Watermelon, Pineapple, Oranges etc. contribute you daily fluid requirement. so to add on in you daily healthy foods in your meals & snacks.
so hope you guyz like it, share it n apply it in your daily life Stay Healthy & Stay hydrate.