Marxism is not at all about protecting the interests of the rich or ruling class who have created this nature of state. Marxists like Karl Marx believe state is an artificial association meant to wither away. They are in favour of building a stateless and classless society.
Marxism is a powerful tool for its self emancipation as it is something that will distant the capitalists not only from the labor class but also from nature.
Karl would not have been shocked to see the dire state of the world handling their affairs. He had given the working class abd the other people a scientific theory to help them transcend capitalism and build a society free of tags and class exploitation.Currently just 8-10 men own half the wealth of the world. their drive for attaining maximum profits and wealth has led to many crisis like hunger, poverty , unemployment etc and capitalism is incapable of handling any . The collapse of USSR in 1990 meant the decline of communism but not extinction and hope for Marx's view to get more recognition in the contemporary world which meant that the distribution of wealth could take place and even the labor class could get some positive recognition.In some respect , capitalism has succeeded in producing and distributing great amounts of wealth to a considerably large percentage of the people followed by an incredible technological development. But capitalism runs through economic exploitation of wage labour whereas marxism promises the rise of a higher level of civilization for the lowly.
The 2008 global financial crisis through which many countries have yet not recovered unlike India was also due to capitalism somehow. Banks in USA started giving out subprime loans to people who couldn't qualify for a normal loan due to poor credit rating or lack of job security. At first it did turn out to be a success but later on the excess supply and ballooning prices of the underlying properties turned out to be a big problem eventually leading to bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers.
Not only this but the climate crisis, desertification, natural calamities, melting of glaciers, change in weather conditions, extinction of animals are not taken so seriously. What use is the money if there will be no earth or habitation for us,human beings to survive on. This is another reason why all nations need to join hands and address such issues more profoundly and should share their resources andprioritise it in budget too to take a step towards sustainability.
Marx foresaw that armed resurrection could become old fashioned in the nick of time with introduction of marxism as capitalism is also another form or promoter of violence.
We ought to believe that a democratic, burgeiose, socialistic society is the future of humanity. And we must change our ways till we have time.