So here i am back with another blog and this blog told you how you loose weight while eating food, interesting no?
So everyone likes a fit body but the process of fat to fit is not at easy at all. You have to join gym,doing exercises,ignore your favorite food,ignore fast food,ignore sweets,ignore butter and many more of your favorite food.
How's the idea of losing weight while eating food, i thinks that it is awesome. So let's begin it will tell you the list of food that helps you to loose weight.
2. Vegetables : You can add veggies like broccoli,cabbage and cauliflower in your meal. The veggies has more protein as compered to other vegetables. These are the perfect food for you if you have the desire to lose weight. These veggies are very low in calories and high in nutrients so it helps you in losing weight and also maintain your health.
3. Boiled Potatoes : Many of us just love potatoes. Boiled potatoes are the perfect food for the weight lose and also for the perfect health. Potatoes also help in blood pressure control, so if you are a BP patient then Potatoes has one more advantage for you. As potatoes are full of nutrients so after eating potatoes you fell full and eat less.You can also try sweet potatoes.
4. Soups : We all just love soups, so here is a good news for all of you t that you can also lose weight white drinking soup. soups contain water , vegetables and fruits so there is nothing in it that increase your weight. So you can definitely add soups in your weight lose list. But you have to choose your veggies rightly and also remember never add cream to your soups as it will increase your weight rather than decreasing it.
5. Nuts : We all consider nuts as high in fat but that's not true. You can add nuts in your snack and it will definitely helps you in your weight lose journey. But remember don't eat massive amount of nuts.
I think that's all for now, i will come back with the another interesting blog of weight loss foods or drinks.
Keep loving!!