In INDIA SEX is a Taboo no one wants to talk about sex. But in reality it is the phenomenon of body which people have to understand .In INDIA cases of teenage pregnancy seems often due to lack of knowledge about sex education in our schools ,homes,society. We should educated ourself related such problems and educated our friends with us too.
Nowadays couple seems problem of pregnancy which is not planned. Knowledge related our body is necessary to learn . Natural things never get changed by phenomenon. If we learn something for our body it will sure help us in any point in our life.
Pregnancy is a 270 days , 37 week and 9 month phenomenon. In which so many hormones in female body get change . Some hormone level get decrease and some get increase which also create pigmentation in female body.
To avoid pregnancy we should use contraceptives such as condoms, vaginal condoms, copper T, IUDs.
But doing copulation at right time does not need all these stuffs. In female vaginal show bleeding which called menstrual cycle which is of 28 days. We consider bleeding period the early stage of menstrual cycle which is of 1-5 days and which is safe for copulation and less chances to get pregnant . The day 6-13 are days when females ova start its growth upto 10th day it is safe for copulation but after 11th to 17th days of menstrual female should avoid mating to not get pregnant. On 14th day the ovum get released and get high chance of get fertilised. Female ova have capacity to get fertilise upto 72 hours. after 17th day of mentrual the blood lining start again to make layer in female's uterus on that period copulation is safe.
In males the sperm is primary sex gamate which fertilise the ova and after fertilization the baby is formed. The viability of sperm is 72 hours after reaching the female vagina.
Not only female but male also took responsibility towards their sexual life. Just avoid copulation during 10-17th day of mentrual cycle for not getting baby. But best days to concieve the baby is 11-15th days of mentrual cycle.
Being a human we have responsibilty towards our action. Make our action and vision strong for ourself.Use contaceptive properly and aware every single person in our touch. Use contaceptives to avoid sexual transmitted diseases like AIDS, genatial herps ,hepatitis B, etc.
Be safe for yourself and not getting anybody in trouble.