Hello Guys..
I really want to tell every and each person about the effection of persons in our life. We meet a lot of people in our whole life. According to some surveys One person meet 10000 people in a lifetime.
We do not count the persons in our life that how many persons we have actually met and will meet in future. But there are so many peoples are the persons who effect our selves. This persons who effecting is in our life are might be our family, colleagues, partner, friend or whoever person. But every and each person is effecting your life and will effect in future.
But in actual reality there is only a one person in the world who can effect your selves is, YOU. Yes, Only you can effect yourself. No one have right to effect you if you do not want to effect yourself. In your mind with Heart you only think that the persons around you are the persons who effect you. But this is not possible without your minds permission. If your mind let the person to effect yourself or your moods, you could effect.
You can control your effection by people around you. Just let them be and Let Yourself be. They are doing what they want then you do what you want. If they are controlling you by their words or actions that means you are not human, you are ROBOT. And this is very simple to not let anyone to effect your soul you heart or your mind.
Just be yourself control your own self. If you start to control your own mind and moods so no one in the world can effect you. Do a thing what your heart want. If heart is telling you that you are not going to get angry on any thing, then follow your heart and do not do this thing. Just believe in your self control your moods and just do what you want, feel what you want to feel, JUST BE YOURSELF. Love yourself what you are and not let anyone change yourself for them. You are the person of your life who will effect yourself and mood and let it be.
Be yourself, be with yourself with all the heart. And just listen to your heart and follow the things and moods that you love. People do not have any right to choose your mood. You are the only person who can effect you ๐