These are some warning signs showing that it's time to breakup.
Have no desires to see each other. You and your partner tetx or call each other most of time, even at work, but now it seems annoying sometimes when your partner calls you. Hence, you don't respond to the calls.
You may even try to avoid each other, avoid meeting each other even when both of you are in the same house. You would also prefer to hang out with your own friends and spend time alone.
To be the one to request for a breakup can be stressful, especially when your partner is someone you loved so much before.
It will be hard for your partner to recover. If you put yourself in your partner's shoes, consider how you would feel when you experience the same hearbreak every year just because your partner breaks up with you on your birthday or valentine's Day.
It will bring back the bad memoriesand also this may contribute to you felling guilty and choosing not to leave.
It can be hard to leave someone, whom you loved so dearly for so long. There are so many things to consider before making this decision to breakup with your partner. No matter the reasons that brngs you to this decision, you should consider avoiding a messy breakup. Here are some tips on sticking with your decision.