Published Apr 23, 2021
8 mins read
1643 words
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A Star Story By Heart

Published Apr 23, 2021
8 mins read
1643 words

This is a vintage fairy tale, and may contain violence. We would encourage parents to read beforehand  if your child is sensitive to such themes.

Fairy Tales Symbol


Once on a time and twice on a time, and all times together as ever I heard tell of, there was a tiny lassie who would weep all day to have the stars in the sky to play with; she wouldn’t have this, and she wouldn’t have that, but it was always the stars she would have. So one fine day off she went to find them. And she walked and she walked and she walked, till by-and-by she came to a mill-dam.

“Goode’en to ye,” says she, “I’m seeking the stars in the sky to play with. Have you seen any?”

“Oh, yes, my bonnie lassie,” said the mill-dam. “They shine in my own face o’ nights till I can’t sleep for them. Jump in and perhaps you’ll find one.”

So she jumped in, and swam about and swam about and swam about, but ne’er a one could she see. So she went on till she came to a brooklet.

“Goode’en to ye, Brooklet, Brooklet,” says she; “I’m seeking the stars in the sky to play with. Have you seen any?”

“Yes, indeed, my bonny lassie,” said the Brooklet. “They glint on my banks at night. Paddle about, and maybe you’ll find one.”

So she paddled and she paddled and she paddled, but ne’er a one did she find. So on she went till she came to the Good Folk.

“Goode’en to ye, Good Folk,” says she; “I’m looking for the stars in the sky to play with. Have ye seen e’er a one?”

“Why, yes, my bonny lassie,” said the Good Folk. “They shine on the grass here o’ night. Dance with us, and maybe you’ll find one.”

And she danced and she danced and she danced, but ne’er a one did she see. So down she sate; I suppose she wept.

“Oh dearie me, oh dearie me,” says she, “I’ve swam and I’ve paddled and I’ve danced, and if ye’ll not help me I shall never find the stars in the sky to play with.”

But the Good Folk whispered together, and one of them came up to her and took her by the hand and said, “If you won’t go home to your mother, go forward, go forward; mind you take the right road. Ask Four Feet to carry you to No Feet at all, and tell No Feet at all to carry you to the stairs without steps, and if you can climb that—”

“Oh, shall I be among the stars in the sky then?” cried the lassie.

“If you’ll not be, then you’ll be elsewhere,” said the Good Folk, and set to dancing again.

So on she went again with a light heart, and by-and-by she came to a saddled horse, tied to a tree.

“Goode’en to ye, Beast,” said she; “I’m seeking the stars in the sky to play with. Will you give me a lift, for all my bones are an-aching.”

“Nay,” said the horse, “I know nought of the stars in the sky, and I’m here to do the bidding of the Good Folk, and not my own will.”

“Well,” said she, “it’s from the Good Folk I come, and they bade me tell Four Feet to carry me to No Feet at all.”

“That’s another story,” said he; “jump up and ride with me.”

So they rode and they rode and they rode, till they got out of the forest and found themselves at the edge of the sea. And on the water in front of them was a wide glistening path running straight out towards a beautiful thing that rose out of the water and went up into the sky, and was all the colours in the world, blue and red and green, and wonderful to look at.

“Now get you down,” said the horse; “I’ve brought ye to the end of the land, and that’s as much as Four Feet can do. I must away home to my own folk.”

“But,” said the lassie, “where’s No Feet at all, and where’s the stair without steps?”

“I know not,” said the horse, “it’s none of my business neither. So goode’en to ye, my bonny lassie;” and off he went.

So the lassie stood still and looked at the water, till a strange kind of fish came swimming up to her feet.

“Goode’en to ye, big Fish,” says she, “I’m looking for the stars in the sky, and for the stairs that climb up to them. Will ye show me the way?”

“Nay,” said the Fish, “I can’t unless you bring me word from the Good Folk.”

“Yes, indeed,” said she. “They said Four Feet would bring me to No Feet at all, and No Feet at all would carry me to the stairs without steps.”

“Get on my back and hold fast.”
“Ah, well,” said the Fish; “that’s all right then. Get on my back and hold fast.”So she clomb and she clomb and she clomb, but ne’er a step higher did she get: the light was before her and around her, and the water behind her, and the more she struggled the more she was forced down into the dark and the cold, and the more she clomb the deeper she fell.

And off he went—Kerplash!—into the water, along the silver path, towards the bright arch. And the nearer they came the brighter the sheen of it, till she had to shade her eyes from the light of it.

And as they came to the foot of it, she saw it was a broad bright road, sloping up and away into the sky, and at the far, far end of it she could see wee shining things dancing about.

“Now,” said the Fish, “here you are,This is one of the awesome panchatantra tales in english. Once in the village, a farmer was working in the field. He saw an elephant climbing down from the sky. He was astonished to see it and thought to himself, “No elephant can fly on the Earth. It must be a heavenly elephant! It should be an elephant of God.”

After some time, the elephant was going to leave. Before he could fly, the farmer caught the elephant by its tail so that he could go to heaven with it. The elephant started climbing up in the sky and so did the farmer with it. As they reached heaven, the farmer was stunned to see such beautiful place. “There should be plenty of good things for me to take,” the farmer wondered. Also


panchatantra tales in english


The farmer took the valuable things and put them into his pocket. He wanted to get back to the Earth. Suddenly, there came the same elephant who took him to the heaven. He caught its tail again and elephant started to climbing down and reached the same field.


Next day, when the farmer told everyone in the village and showed them the valuable things he had brought, everyone was astonished to see this. The farmer said, “And it is such a joy to work there! You get one measure of food for every hour of work and their measure is large!” One of his friends asked, “How big is the measure?” The farmer opened his hands wide and said, “This big!” After hearing him, all the farmers wanted to go to the heaven with him.

The next day, the farmer took them there where he had seen the elephant yesterday. “Quiet now! Be silent! The noise may disturb the elephant or it may not land here.” All the friends agreed. The same friend of his asked again, “How much did you say they pay for an hour’s work up there in the heaven?” The farmer replied, “One measure of food!” Another friend asked, “How big is the measure?” The farmer opened his hands wide and said, “This big!” You may also like to read,

Soon, the heavenly elephant appeared. The elephant landed and when it was about to leave, they all took him by its tail one by one catching each other. And soon, all the farmer’s friends were flying upward in the sky. “We’ll stay there as long as we can and we’ll return with heavy loads of food and other valuables,” said one of his friends. All of them said excitedly, “Yes, we will!”

Again, the same friend of the farmer asked, “How much did you say they pay for an hour’s work?” The farmer replied, “A measure of food!” As always, he again asked, “How big is the measure?” And as always, the farmer opened his hands wide and said, “This big!” As he left the elephant’s tail, all of them fell into the river. The elephant was so frightened by the noise that it never came back to these fields again. Also, read. and yon’s the stair; climb up, if you can, but hold on fast. I’ll warrant you find the stair easier at home than by such a way; ‘t was ne’er meant for lassies’ feet to travel;” and off he splashed through the water.

So she clomb and she clomb and she clomb, but ne’er a step higher did she get: the light was before her and around her, and the water behind her, and the more she struggled the more she was forced down into the dark and the cold, and the more she clomb the deeper she fell.


rahilsk138 4/23/21, 7:36 PM
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ayyanshaikh148 4/24/21, 1:13 AM
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