OPINION by definition means a view or a judgement formed not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. In my OPINION forming opinions and passing judgements a very common human behavior. We all do this just the difference is our way of expressing it but we all do it or have done it in our life at some point of time. There may be a very few people who avoid this tactic which is really good.
Because when you start passing judgements especially without any base it gradually becomes on obsessive behavior and you get so involved in it deeply that it affects you adversely.
There are basically 2 cases in this concept -
In both the cases its very toxic for you personally as well as professionally. And its like a chain wherein what you start comes back at you. This has severe consequences like you loose your friends, trouble in relationships, Clashes with family, various social barriers etc etc.
Honestly its never a right thing to do because we should always try to mind our own business. Obviously in some cases where is there is something nasty or wrong is being done there you can in a very appropriate manner try to advise without being offended or offend anyone.
This should also not be taken as MY CHOICE or whatever, You cannot be always right so the good side is that one should try to understand the opinions of others also as far as our peace is concerned.
Being OPINIATED is a good virtue, one should always have and follow a set of values and have your own view rather than depending on others or not using your brain or just HAAN MEIN HAAN MILANA. That's never a good thing, if you don't have your own view and identity people tend to refer to you or respect you less.