Published Sep 10, 2021
9 mins read
1727 words
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A Small And Sweet Short Film... Small Steps

Published Sep 10, 2021
9 mins read
1727 words

Some people say, there is always someone for you. Later or sooner you are going to find them. I used to believe that. I was not stupid, I actually thought I had somebody. It was only when he went abroad and never came back, I started to reevaluate my beliefs.
Yesterday was his birthday. It has been seven years, but I have not stopped going to temple. Yesterday too, I went to a Shiva mandir. All the flash backs came at once. I remembered suddenly that we used to sit on the stairs of temple and fight for prashad. I remembered him ringing the bell. He had this specific tune made. He didn't ring the bell thrice or twice. He had a rhythm, he used to ring it seven times that too in a rhythm of one two three... One two three and then Bang. It was his own tune. I used to scold him- mandir is not a place to play drums. But he just used to laugh. And things like that used to make me mad. But now, they just make me sad. I sat there, in the varandha , put my head on the wall and just let my tears flow. I don't know how long I was sitting there. But someone came and told me it's time for the pahad .
I had no idea of the surrounding. That person stretched his hand to me. I took it, in autopilot. He left me on the stairs and went away. I looked at the stairs and then at the prashad package in my hand, and broke down again. The afternoon sun came and went, it started getting dark but I just sat there. It started raining, small drops first and then bigger drops. Slowly first and then it rained cat and dogs. That's when I noticed, I'm not getting as wet as I should be. And I looked up. There was the same person, holding an umbrella over my head. He was getting drenched. But he was protecting me. And when I looked back, he was there the whole time. He was there when I reached the temple, he was there when I broke down and he was still there .
The rain stopped as fast as it had started. He took my hand, and hugged me tight. I remember the first time we had met. It was here in the temple only. But on one of my good days. He was distributing meals to the beggars in the temple. I had came to the temple . It was one of those whimsical days when I felt good and visit places for my happiness. Temples in general make me happy. I find peace there. I love those sandesh prashads, the khechudi badabhoga and the paduka. I love the smell of agarbattis, the sound of bells, the whispered blessings . I love everything. Also, sometimes (once or twice) I convince the people who distribute prashad to give me leftovers if there is any. I become more persistent if they have laddoos . People think I'm weird, may be I am. But I can't resist laddoo or bundi . So, that day he was distributing bundi and some fruits . I followed him like a shadow the entire time. After distributing among all the people, he still had some ten or more laddoos left. When he sat down after distributing , I went to him and asked "Can I have a laddoo"
He gave me one. I looked at my hand, and then at him expectantly. He heaved a sigh and gave me one more. I smiled. But then I extended my next hand. He was furious, I could see it in his nostrils , it was rising and falling like a frog's abdomen. He gave me one on my other hand. But then I batted my eyes and said ' please '. Frustrated he said, "Girl I haven't eaten anything, I want to have some."
Like the shameless girl I was, I said
- Give me one more and your Lunch is on me.
-What ! Just so we are clear, you are saying that you will buy me lunch, if I give you one more laddo.
- Yes, that's exactly what I'm proposing.
- You have money to buy me food ?
- What! I don't beg here.
- You don't ? (Sarcastically)
-No, I have a well paying job.
- Well then, if I give you two more laddoos, then can I have lunch at a place of my choice?
- If you give me three, then you can choose your own food from the menu too.
-Okay then.
He gave me three. I ate four straight then and there. And while gulping down the fifth one, I chocked. He laughed and patted my head. Gave me a water bottle to drink. He took me to one of the posh restaurants and ordered the chef's special. I contemplated on asking him to tone it down, but my ego was restricting me. He went ahead and ordered ice cream for me. I never order ice creams in restaurants. They charge too much. I told him that. But, he refused. He said he will sponsor my ice cream. He can't eat if I don't have anything, and it's creepy. I had to concede to that. It actually is creepy, if you sit there and ogle at someone eating. So, I agreed to have ice cream. He talked to the waiter, and I started eating my laddoos and scrolling through my mobile. I was chatting and smiling. I had everything I wanted in a day. I was happy, I had gone to temple, I had eaten laddoos . I was having the best time of my life.
It was when the waiter placed a plate in front of me, that I noticed him. He was looking at me unapologetically. When I asked what, he just smiled and said, I'm just counting in my head how many seconds it would take you to eat 100 laddoos. I shrugged. He had no idea, but I can eat sweets uninterrupted for hours. People say they lose the taste after one or two, but not me. I might be an ant impersonating a human body. The waiter started serving, but he dismissed him. He gave me a portion of the curry first. Before I could say more, he added another spoon to it. Then gave me a naan. When I pushed the plate towards him, he caught my hand and urged me to eat. He said,
-It's too much for one person to eat. I can't eat all these alone.
-Then why did you order so much ?
- Three laddoos , remember ?
- So?
- My choice of food.
- Whatever
- Listen, Don't sulk. You look like a laddoo. All red .
He opened his front camera and showed me my face. I realized too late that, I was making a puffing face. I immediately let all the air out. He burst into laughing. Silently I started eating. And he ate too. We both ate in silence. When it came to desert , I saw he had ordered black current ice cream. I was surprised. It was my favorite. He had ordered chocolate icecream for himself. Trying not to sound too overwhelmed, I asked him
- "Why the discrimination?"
-What, don't tell me you like chocolate icecream more ?
- No, but! Still.
- I thought you would like something tangy after those many of sweets.
- Ya! I do. Thank you. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
It was an awkward silence after that.
We finished our respective icecream and the waiter brought the bill. I paid it. We came out of the restaurant. I booked a cab. He said he had his bike parked near the temple. I said bye. But he stood there. He waited till my cab came. I sat in the cab. The driver started the engine. I was going to say bye, he gave me a package . And said
- There are four more laddoos. Can I ask you something ?
- Yes!
- Can you come to "The Dream Place" on Saturday, I mean if you are free ?
I smiled, and didn't say anything. I didn't know him. It would not be wise to go. But then , Dream Place was near my home and it's a public place, can't be that bad. I was thinking hard and chewing my nails. He made a face and immediately took my fingers out of misery.
-Ill bring more laddoos, He said
- I don't know
- Okay, no pressure, think and if you have a good feeling about it, then come. I'll be waiting there at 8PM.
With that, he gave a signal on the hood of the cab, and I left. I looked in the mirror. He stood there until I disappeared. It had been two months since then. I went that day, and true to his word he had been waiting for me. We had exchanged numbers and we met once or twice a week and talked regularly. He would text me whenever he would go to the temple or wherever he sees some sweets. He would bring me random sweets. He would take me to different temples. He knew where the best prashads were available. He would give me flowers, and in return he would ask me absurd things, once he had asked me to buy him a old rusted key chain. He collected things. He would wave stories around it and tell me them. With him I laughed a lot . I had reduced thinking about my past. He knew nothing of it.
I don't know how he found me yesterday. But I was glad that he was there. I hugged him tight and cried my heart out. He hugged me back . And let me cry . I don't know about having someone specific made just for you, but he made me believe that there will always be someone at your side, Always. So, here I'm today, waiting for him at the Dream Place, trying to be less cynical about love and life and trying to let people into my life. Cheers to finding love


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