Recent statistics on music Reveals... That the every coolest person in the world definitely will be a musical lover...... A human who dislike music are considered as heartless creatures.... Only 2.5 % heartless creatures are living all over the world... Other 97.5% are musical lovers…..
Charles Darwin says after doing research on music.... Even human newborns turn to be sensitive to tone or melody, rhythm, and the fluctuations of the noise in their surroundings.... This says music is also an organ..that born with u and live with you in every situation of life.... Different Cultural practices creates unique musical System independently.... They included music in their list of basic needs......"
"I think music itself is healing,” and it's an explosive expression of humanity.... And it never depend on's based on person who listen, love to them.....said by American musician. We never shortlisted any musician based on their different social parameters.... The only thing connects all country into one is music….
Do you have any idea why we have that much deep connection to music....?? Because it's interlude with brain and bodies..
Barbara Else, senior advisor of policy and research at the American Music Therapy Association declared that “The elements of music – rhythm, melody, etc. – are echoed in our physiology, functioning and being" gives incredible positive thoughts to brain, it makes us to sing until your throat is sore and dance With your heart, uncontrollably made you to tap your feet on floors ....
All have bad days.. in that situation nothing can heal you so fast as music .. it change your mood with it's beautiful musical tone and warmth lyrics.... Up tempo and fast beat music make your brain to work faster... Elevate your mood, motivate you with depression.... During stressful situation.. try to hear ambient and pleasant Music to that time is quite better...
Major benefit of Music makes you to concentrate on an activity... Improves your Interest in certain things .... during cleaning, studying, working....
Everyone Needs relaxation after switching off their mind after a long music is one of the foremost way to Feel free over running uncontrollable thoughts... It drifts yourself to sleep calmly...
A recent study by David Lewis explains instrumental, quite music helps in reducing anxiety by 65%.... Recent study States that Music helps in weight loss... It's feel full while eating.... It's made you to eat slowly by listening to them.... And makes to feel less pain, anxiety.. before, after surgery...than Those who doesn't listen to them... Classical music effectively cures insomnia.. which is major problem for adults among all over the world....
And try to hear new music... Because it make your brain to hear new sounds to think differently... Fall in love with music... Than it automatically make you to love the life...and to Overcome all sort of situation... Hear it, feel it...
"Music is the universal language of mankind"..
- "Henry Wadsworth "