What you count as pleasure in your life?
I'm not talking about margarita though but let's just talk about it. Most of the people work 9 to 7 all week and others are working more. We all are living between monday blues and Friday nights how idyllic we feel by knowing that next day is a saturday or sunday all week we wait for this night euphoric we know it, its the new way of living we live for two days. The bliss, we feel indulged in the pleasure of being with friends a good laugh, epic conversation. Just these two days we count them as pleasure but the weekend may or may not be happening I hope you agree with this, good thing. These pleasures you count and you ensure them to be there forever.
You love laying down in bed, after long tiring week you feel amazing you are free here you open your door of thoughts this brings misery and you become vulnerable. Are you really enjoying your life, are you living to the fullest. Nobody probe this deep. We are stressing and then we take breaks which are in form of these weekend.
Have your ever wonder what we are missing? we are giving each and every moment of our lives worrying about things that aren't important. It takes roughly 2-3 minutes think about it. You make money so important in your life you measure success as off money. pursuit of money doesn't classify it as success being rich is surely a part of it but making it everything is not, you forget about your role in this world you live your life as puppet you doesn't live your life to the fullest.
Do you know how you can pursuit success count your blessings, enjoy each and every moment, live at the present ,worry less. Recognize simple pleasures of your life and your agenda is to be a fighter.
Now we are confused what are these simple pleasures we are looking for, make some one smile, help others and see how you can change other person's life just by a single step, you should work each day on thing that gives you true happiness, that brings best in you waking down on roads, running in the edge, click pictures, sit with your loved ones, be polite communicate and see how your life changes with each passing day