Hi Everyone!!!
Today I took a step to protect myself from the deadliest virus of the world. 'Covid 19' It is at it's second stage in India. Today I took Covaxine to protect myself from Corona.
It's the second stage and everything is disturbed. At the beginning when lockdown 1 came to an end everyone was relieved. But the second wave came with much more strength. It gave birth and power to black fungus, white fungus and yellow fungus.
In this stage, it's more important to take care of ourselves and our family. Proper sanitization, social distancing, proper hygiene should be followed. We should go out only for any important reason or an emergency. Yes, it's to difficult to stay at home and it also becomes more difficult for the one who used to stay out. But nothing is more important than life. Think about the future. Staying at home for some time is easier than staying unhealthy or at the hospitals.
So, to make the time duration shorter and fight Covid 19, we should take vaccine. There are two types of vaccine available in India. They are Covaxine and Covid-shield.
Today I and my sister along with my sister-in-law, we three went to get the vaccine. It was too difficult to think about taking vaccine. The fear of that injection was too frightening. I had started imagining the big horrifying Needle and it's pain.
When our time came to take the vaccine. Unfortunately, I was the first one among the three of us to take the vaccine. The nurse took that small bottle which I think so was 1 inch with the power to act as shield and fight the big Covid monster. I took off my eyes over her when she took injection in her hand. She told me to leave my hand lose and not to hold it tight. Swear, I started murmuring the names of all gods I know. And started remembering all the mischiefs I did to apologize him.
I heard a sound. It was the nurse. She said that “You took Covaxine dose". Means???? It was done???
I didn't realised when she gave me the vaccine. When that big needle went in me and I was injected.
It was my experience. Trust me it does not hurt. But instead our imagination of the pain is more. So, when you get the slot, don't be afraid. And if you have not registrated yet, go and book your slot too.