There is love and then there's albatross love.
Such globetrotters, who mate for life are devoted to their partners. Perhaps every species on Earth has the most powerful love affairs.
The bond is paired by an albatross. To see what real devotion is like, you need to spend some quality time with them.
They are seabirds and they spend 95 per cent of their time sailing through the air for thousands if not hundreds of thousands of miles. They can fly for years without seeing the land. They are, however, born on dry land.
They will dance with a several partners for a long time but eventually - it can take years to find the right partner - they will find a particular favorite. They continue to practice their moves together until they have spent “far too much time dancing with that particular bird.” The sequence of moves in that pair is as unique as a lover's fingerprints.
They are now ready to mate.
It takes them 15 years to find a partner but when once they do , albatross does not change their partners.
They will generally remain faithful to its mate until one of them dies, which could take another fifty years.
What are your thoughts on them? Don't you think they should be an inspiration to all lovers and all humans because they do what we lack these days…
They demonstrate and teach us that loyalty and love still exist; it just takes a lot of searching, and once found, we must remain faithful until the very last breath we take.
Because that is what love and loyalty entail…
I'll share one of my poems about Albatross with you all. I wrote that poem a few years ago after learning about the story of this beautiful bird and becoming enchanted by its beauty and their way of loving their partner.
I aspire to be with a man like him… who travels around the world without stopping anywhere, but when he sees me, when he finds me, he will stop, gaze at me, and never leave my side.
A guy like a free bird
Like an Albatross kuş
Who roams beneath the sky
Without tiring fly so high
In a search of his love
To form a bond with solemnity twirl.
He will come one day and find me
Taking me in his arms
Kissing me with all his charms
He'll flew me away with him
End his search on me. - Pooja Singh