Recently there have been many cases of students ending their lives due to concern related to the test paper. While test anxiety affects many students, the math related fear as a subject are alarming.
Are you a very anxious student when you think about giving a math test? Do you believe you simply do not have a mathematical mind? Do you avoid activities or ither classes that may involves maths? If any of these conditions describe you, you may be suffering from maths anxiety.
Mathematical anxiety is an emotionally disturbing emotion that peole have for their ability to understand and perform mathematics. People who suffer from mathematical anxiety feel that they are unable to perform mathematical tasks. Mathematical anxiety is an psychological one, not a mental problem. However, anxiety about math impairs a person's ability to learn math and therefore leads to intellectual problem.
What causes maths concern?
There is no single reason to worry about statistics. There are often negative or embarrassing consequences for a student with a math or maths teacher in the first classes. Such experiences can leave a student with the impression that he or she is lacking in mathematics. This belief can lead to misconduct, which serves as a reassuring evidence to the reader. It does not reflect a student's true ability in maths. Therefore there are many strategies that can be used to overcome mathematical anxiety.
Review and learn basic mathematical principles and methods
Because of the poor initial experience, many students do not really build the foundation for basic maths, especially multiplication and fractions. Since mathematics is a compact discipline, when complex concepts are built collectively into very simple concepts, a student who has not yet lead a solid foundation for mathematics will have great difficulty in learning higher mathematics. A short math course is often an important step in reducing mathematical anxiety.
Be aware of thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Mathematical anxiety affects different people in different ways. It is therefore very important that you know yourself well and the situation when you encounter statistics. If you know the absurd thoughts you can work to incorporate those thoughts with positive and realistic thoughts.
Learn maths vocabulary
One of the problem students have with mathematics in understanding grammar and vocabulary. Mathematics often uses words in a completely different way than in other subjects. For example, the name factor.
Learn ways to manage anxiety
Work on having a realistic view of mathematics
Learn to speak well of yourself
Try to sit in the front when there is a slight disturbance and if you have any questions, ask. Don't be afraid to seek help from your teacher after class or during breaks. Read the material before and after the class discussion and review the material. Ultimately, practice and complex revision are a sure and safe way to do well in any students's mathematics.
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