The direct method
Child learn his mother tongue naturally and without practise. It mean child learn mother tongue directly. An attempt to teach the language as one could in learning mother tongue is known as the direct method. It is also called natural method because it is learnt naturally like mother tongue or first language. This method was against of grammer translation method. The extreme use of mother tongue affected the naturalness of language.
Chractristics of direct method
⚫ There is no interference of mother tongue. In TG method at first child comes with the contact of mother tongue and after with the target language.
⚫ In this method there is direct bond of target language. Child think into target language and express into target language.
⚫Unit of teaching is sentence. Teacher perform such activities which tell the meaning of the sentence in the context . Teacher perform an action related to the sentence which show meaning of the sentence.
⚫Direct method is full of activities the teacher show object or performs the action to clear the concept.
⚫Direct method is interesting and natural for learner.
⚫The teaching learning process is carried out in English environment.
Advantage of direct method
⚫ This method is called natural method. The english is taught as child learns his mother tongue.
⚫The pronunciation, accent, intonation and rhythm are essential for better and effective communication. This method helps to seak language effectively.
⚫ This method is based on the principle of “ learning by doing” thus this method is scientific and effective.
⚫New teaching points were introduced orally.
⚫ Both comprehension and speech were taught.
⚫ To learn any language mean speak that language with fluently. Thus this method create this ability in student.
⚫This method helps the learner to enjoy the language. So the learner start using the language without fear.
⚫ Correct use of grammer and pronunciation were emphasized.
Disadvantage of direct method
⚫For every sentence or subject matter, the teacher can not perform an action and show any object it mean that every subject matter can not be explained by an action or showing an object.
⚫This method does not help in important aspect of language learning like reading and writing.
⚫To use this method in class, thevteacher should be mastered in subject. He should have active command on his teaching. He should be a perfect teacher.
⚫This method is not useful in over crowded classes.
⚫ This method require many audio visual aids, which are very expensive so our school can not afford such equipment.