A diet which contains all the nutrition needed by the body in the right proportion is known as balanced diet.Diet is the most important one to be followed.It helps to maintain our body and works in a good way.More people have increased blood glucose level.There are some tips to overcome the Increased sugar level.
Avoid vegetables that grows under ground and try to take Vegetables which grows above soil because underground Vegetables contain high calories
Foods to be avoided
Potato, jackfruit, sugar, fatty foods,oily foods,junk foods, packed items,sweet mango,banana,maida
Foods to be included
Fenugreek seed water in empty stomach, skimmed milk(No fat milk), Fruits except mentioned above, wheat, millets
Other tips
Go for walking everyday,Eat frequently but not heavy meals
Check sugar levels monthly and accordingly Change your diet.Consult a dietitian if required because when there is a person to recommend a diet u feel easy to follow and also there will be improvement in your health.
Common nutritional tips for balanced diet
Select Vegetables more than rice items, Select all five food groups.The calorie intake should be based on persons individual weight.In should also meet RDA.Fat,CHO, protein,iron, vitamins are all to be met in daily meal plan.
Physical activity
Diet should be maintained along with physical activities..House hold works are also a part of physical activity.Exercise is compulsory in case of weight loss and fitness.There are lot of gym for workouts and dietitians are there to help out with the diet for every individual
Spread to the world about the importance of diet.Food is the main key for a human being to survive,at the same time the choise of food is the important thing.Everyday Vegetables and fruits should be must included in a person's menu.
About myself
I am a dietitian..i worked in a multispeciality hospital..i give counseling to the patients according to their health condition.Many patients were happy about the counseling and even i take care of out patients.I even want to spread the importance of food to society and some changes should be done in childhood food habits in this modern world.So i have shared this blog and hope this will be useful to all..Food is the medicine..choose and eat..Thank you..