Morning guys , happy day ! today i have come with excellent information that will be useful for all of us . That is “rice water “ . Recently , this rice water trend has become viral and everyone uses it and has spectacular results . they say . so I even tried . The results are quite real . So why not share it with you guys ? wanna get smooth hair without hair fall or clear skin ? then you will be satisfied with this blog . Let's pop into it .
We spend most of our time in finding the best products for our skin or hair , without knowing the value of a remedy that we already have in our hands which is natural with zero costs . but now at least some of us are looking for this natural remedy using rice . In the old days , people didn’t use any shampoos or costly conditioners for their hair . They used this rice water for their hair . Even my mom used this .It is called “kanji “ in Tamil , the water that comes when rice is boiled in it . It is also a part of Korean culture. They use this to maintain their youngness and always have a fair glass like skin .
Rice naturally has many nutrients like vitamins and minerals including the vitamin b6 and amino acids and carbo hydrates which are essential for us .
how to make the rice water :
i personally will suggest two ways of making this rice water .
2. second method :
#thanks for reading !💙