Hello everyone.. I am new here so a little about myself first. I am a single mother of 2 humans and 2 furbabies residing in India. You can call me S.. I have worked as a teacher, journalist and a content writer. I am currently on a break and hoping to get back to work soon. I need to start earning well again to support my kids and save up some for future. I love reading, shopping, dressing up, listening to sentimental songs and traveling. I am a hardcore piscean.
Anyway so here I will be sharing about life, dreams, learnings, my mistakes, mental health, fashion, my crazy interests and everything under the sun. You will find a lot of randomness as well. I am 38 years old and got separated about 2 years back. I got married at 25. The separation was the most weird phase of my life. I have realised how my troubled childhood effected my relationships and my idea of filmy love. Being an only child looked like a cakewalk from outside but trust me it has been the most difficult thing ever. In my next blog I will share how my childhood was and why I am the way I am. I plan to keep everything raw here. I hope this platform will give me an opportunity to pour my feelings out without any judgements. I am at a much sorted place emotionally now so I hope I will be able to help others understand themselves better, not make similar mistakes and also enjoy reading. My life till now has been a roller coaster ride and I know it will continue for a while. Writing and sharing about it will make it a little smooth I hope. Never take what you have for granted. Be thankful always for all things big or small. Gratitude always. Trust me it matters a lot in shaping your life. Even at my worst I had a lot of gratitude and that kept me going. It gave me strength and peace even during my anxiety attacks. If my life leaves an impact on even one person I will be more than glad. Writing this as my little kids sleep beside me and I thank God every minute for their presence. Being a mother is truly a blessing. See you soon people. Till then take good care of yourself and your loved ones.