1, Cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. Cheetah have a speed 100 kilo Meter per hour.
In whole world there are only counting Cheetah are alive in Africa. These animals have become extinct in almost every country of Asia including India
When we discuss about Cheetah, Then we claim to know so much about him. But there are other thing related to Cheetah, Which you probably do not know.
You will get to think the jungles of Africa as soon as you see the cheetah filling your fur. Because we all know that they have become extinct the rest of the world. But this is not completely true. Even today, sixty to 100 leopards are found in Iran. They live in the plateau of central Iran.
The head and legs of Asian breeds are small. Their skin and hair are thick. Their necks are also thicker than African cheetahs. Asian cheetahs live in a very wide range. This things has been most surprising for the researcher. Because cheetahs are confined to a small area.
There was a time when leopards were found in India-Pakistan and Russia as well as in Middle-East countries. But now in Asia, there are only counting leopards in Iran.
Children of cheetahs escape very hard. This is the major reason for the extinction of this animal. An experience in Africa in the 90s showed that 95 percent of cheetahs die before they become adults. That is, only five of the leopard's 100 children live until they grow up.
However, in 2013, research on cheetahs found in Kgalagadi Park in Africa showed that their children's survival is expected to be up to 36 percent.
Predatory animals are behind the death of cheetahs. These include lions, hyena, baboons and hunter birds. At the same time, due to human intervention in the areas of cheetahs, their number is also decreasing.
In Arab countries, cheetah children are brought up. Their price reaches ten thousand dollars. This is also a major reason for cheating and elimination of cheetahs.
The most famous thing about cheetahs is their speed. However, different claims have been made regarding how much this speed is. In its investigation of the BBC, it was found that cheetahs can run at speeds up to 95 kilometers per hour. This speed is twice that of the world's fastest running man Usain Bolt. When a cheetah is running with full force, it can jump up to seven meters long.
7 meters or 23 feet long jump! And cheetahs achieve this speed in three seconds. Even the best sports car takes 6 seconds to achieve this speed.
However, cheetahs do not run much longer at such a high speed. They have only twenty seconds to hunt.
The leopard is such an animal in the cat's family, which is quite large. His greatest quality is his speed. But they do not roar like lions and tigers. They roar like cats, hissing. Many cheetahs have also been seen barking. But the special thing is that they do not roar.
It is also difficult for them to watch at night. In the night, cheetahs are in the same condition as humans. That is why cheetahs hunt, either in the morning or even after noon. Cheetahs also have difficulty in climbing on trees.