Colors Of Chemistry And Mysterious Chemistry
Hello everyone,
Today I have shared my knowledge about Chemistry and its Mystery.When I was in 10th standard,I hadn't any interest in chemistry and other science subjects .I was unable to decide that what subject is perfect for me. Then I got first division in class 10 board examination and all of my teachers were saying that please you take science subjects but I was so confused but according to their advice I admitted in class 11 with Physics, chemistry, maths and biology.At the starting days trust me friends it was very difficult for me to understand physics and chemistry. All the day when I was coming from tuition classes I was crying because I felt very fear.Then I changed Chemistry sir and my new chemistry was so angry but his technique of teaching chemistry was fabulous and from that time slowly slowly interest had grown into my mind with chemistry and at later time I completed my degrees also in Chemistry.
- In our daily life we use lots of chemical but not a single time we can't think about it.
- In our home lemon ,vinegar , deodorant are the common things.lemon means citric acid and vinegar means acetic acid.deodrant contains volatile compounds alcohol,ketone etc.
- Now if u have finished your nail polish remover and it is urgent to remove it for going to a party then don't worry. Just take a lemon and sqeeze it into a small bowl and mix it with equal volume of vinegar now it is ready for use.take a cotton pad dipped into the solution and apply on your nail Paint to remove it.
- Now if you want to remove any stains from utensils,steel tap,sink stains then don't worry wipe these things with vinegar or dip the utensils into vinegar solutions and just see the magic after some time.
- Many people have go to parlour for manicure and pedicure but if anyone do these in home then there is a trick.We have baking powder or soda in our house . baking soda is sodium bicarbonate it is a base .just take luke warm water in a plastic big utensil and put some shampoo, some amount baking soda and some drops of lemon and dip your foot into it some time then wash.just see the glow after that.
- All the beauty products,spices we have used in our home all are full of chemistry.
Almond contains benzaldehyde
Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde
These are all aromatic compound that is why these items have fragrance.
So friends our life is full of chemistry and fun.
I always live with these colors of chemistry
Thanku friends 🙏🙏
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