Something rotten, filthy, with a bad stench - something “supremely dirty” is nothing compared to the toxicity one possesses. What's toxicity now? It's something unpleasant. Something insidious.
It's highly probable that all of us in one or the other point of time in our lives, met with a toxic person. We hate being around them, their negative energy just pushes us away from them. But, is it only that, other people are toxic? What about us? Oh yes! We're toxic too. Seriously.
Remember the time we judged/gossiped about that girl from work/college? We don't know her story, we don't know her pain. Then how come we just took the liberty of doing such things? It's high time that we thorough route INTO US, find OUR faults.
Why do you think we have that burden of sadness and guilt always riding our heart and mind without a proper reason? You look at the person you love, who's so close to you-might be your parents or partners-but still you don't sense any comfort?
You'll just be sitting in your balcony, alone, but all of a sudden tears roll down your weary, exhausted eyes without any awful stimulus. Why? Because deep down you're in pain. Pain caused due to the guilt - guilty for being toxic. You definitely want to be a good person. But sitting all alone and weeping will not change us. Acknowledging the pain and answering all the unanswered harsh questions is all you've to do.
It's definitely a tough task to do. But, you do have a plus point here. You need not make a million people do several things to acknowledge your pain - You only have to make one person who's completely under your control to do things. Who's that again? It's you.
Once, you try to understand yourself, you'll find comfort in yourself. Until that day you find yourself trying to extract comfort and happiness from external environment which is not guaranteed and temporary. But the day you find comfort in yourself you'll find yourself in a serene calm place. This phase/state is called Tranquility. You'll need nobody's help, nobody's presence, nobody's kindness or pity after you achieve it.
“Toxicity is like a pile of garbage with bad stench while Tranquility is a like a cup of freshly brewed coffee you enjoy after a tight sleep” - Choose wisely and live happily.