Hey all,
Gender and sex are two different terms that are interchangeably used at times. But both of them are two different concepts and therefore their meaning also differ.
Sex is something natural or biological. Sex is the definition of one’s sex and how the person is born. Therefore it comes first.
Gender is the stereotypes and the society’s constructed rules and regulations which are not natural or biological in any which way but at times are considered.
So, it is a big mistake that most people make. Even in certain forms, I have seen such errors where it should be asking about the sex of a person, the form is at times questioning an individual’s gender which is wrong. Gender has been a societal construct. Like, defining different colours for both the sexes, defining their societal roles, duties and even their behaviour. It might sound absurd but it is the reality because every time a boy cries, he is asked to be quiet saying that boys don’t cry, they are strong, and crying is a girl’s thing, girls need help in lifting their stuff, girls should behave in a certain way and should act in a feminine way, boys should be masculine, manly and what not. This is not even one-fourth of what we have been taught and told since our births and this thing has been so deeply engraved in our minds and souls that even in our subconscious mind we knowingly or unknowingly follow these. We have been brought up this way and have been surrounded by this mentality only because of which we don’t even find anything wrong in this mindset and follow it blindly because it is in our blood and minds now. Still, we can change it and make certain amendments with time to get rid of this societal construct. It might seem a menial topic but is a severe one. This mentality is affecting our growth as from our births only girls are gifted dolls and soft toys and boys cars and superheroes, from our births girls are dressed in pink colour and even the decorations, are done keeping this in mind.
All in all, it’s high time we learn the difference between the both and start working towards the same because it’s going to be a long and tough road to travel but if we try we can make it shorter and easier for our forthcoming generations.
Thank you.