Published May 23, 2022
3 mins read
557 words
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Anger Is Danger: Avoid The Path Of Self Destruction

Published May 23, 2022
3 mins read
557 words

Human beings have feelings and emotions, we can be happy, sad, interested, indifferent, friendly, hostile etc., among all these, anger is one of the most dangerous and destructive of human emotions.

Anger is something that makes us hurt others and ourselves without realising what we are doing, we lose self control and start taking decisions that do not make sense and we start attacking those around us, even if they have done nothing, they get shouted at, scolded and sometimes  escalates to physical violence.

When an individual feels that he is not getting what is rightfully his, he becomes frustrated and disappointed, this gradually builds up, until the person loses control and takes out his anger on those who he thinks are responsible for his inability to succeed.

The most famous example of anger is that of the fictional comic book superhero, The Incredible Hulk.

Interestingly, anger is a negative emotion, the incredible Hulk, is famous for his brute power and ability to destroy everything in his path, yet people love him, there have been animated series, TV series and many movies which shows the popularity of the Hulk character, this is ironic because we cannot make things right by getting angry and taking out our frustration on others.

In reality, we cannot do what the Hulk does and need to take control of ourselves by managing our anger.

Firstly, think before you speak, communication works both ways, we need to listen what others have to say before losing our cool.

If you are tired and frustrated and things have not been going well for you, then try to calm down, this will reduce the chances of arguments, confrontation and blaming others for being unable to get things done according to your expectations.

Whenever you feel angry, it helps to do some physical exercise or activity such as running, jogging or going up and down the stairs, it will reduce the stress that has built up and you end up feeling refreshed and positive.

If you are feeling angry, take a break, do something that makes you happy, listen to music, close your eyes for a few minutes and if possible, find a place where there is no noise, this will help you to calm down and help to get through the rest of the day.

We need to understand that we cannot get things going our way and anger is not the solution to our problems, it only makes things worse, the world will not change, we need to change ourselves, to lead healthy lives.

When we are angry, we take out our anger and blame others for our failure, this shows that you are afraid and do not want to change your behaviour, this affects you most, because people will avoid you, making it harder for you to succeed.

Anger makes you want to get revenge on those who you think have wronged you, keeping these type of negative thoughts does not solve anything, we need to move on with our lives and not live in the past.

Be careful when you are sarcastic, it can lead to misunderstanding and unintended consequences, that could break relationships and make things worse.

Finally, learn to keep your anger under control, before it takes control of your actions and places you in danger of losing your life permanently.

jana_23 5/24/22, 12:39 AM
Well said
sapna.bhandari 5/28/22, 6:30 PM
Nice please read mine too
smiling_bird 8/10/22, 11:09 AM
You are true. Anger can destroy peace in one's life. Very well written. Read and like my blogs too.

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